Going to whine a little…

@ann72 Thank you everyone for your support!!
I think protein (lack of) is the problem. I don’t eat a lot of meat, no dairy, 2 eggs a day most days, no protein supplements of any kind.
I’ll start looking into that, and creatinine.
And…drink more water!
@nedlm10 I went on cymnalta for cronic muscle pain.
If you lift at a gym, use cables for a while instead of db's. They tend to cause less muscle and tendon pain.
I also use more machines now that I am 53.

Hope you get it figured out 💪😎👍
@nedlm10 Alpha lipolic acid capsules - nerve regeneration
Tumeric - muscle pain
Apple Cider Vinegar - romoves toxins

Dr. Eric Berg and motivatonaldoc have many great videos on youtube that has helped me, may help you
@nedlm10 What are your goals? What program are you on? How often do you work out? How often do you go to failure? Do you eat at a large surplus?
@lee Haha, definitely not a big eater! I’ve lost 26 pounds since last February (‘23), and I’m perfectly happy with my current weight of 129.
I’m just maintaining my weight but still enjoy seeing my body transform into a leaner more muscular lady!
@nedlm10 Well, few things. I struggle with joint pains. Have since I was 30’ish. Check your diet for food sensitivities. Go ultra clean on the diet and see if they go away. Diet can be a big contributor.

Progress more slowly. The Strong lift 5x5 program recommends a 10 lb step every workout. That’s simply too much for me. I do 2.5 lb increments to lighten the DOMs.

Add in low impact work like yoga and long walks to build up your tolerances.

Good luck 🤞
@nedlm10 I dropped to 2 long sessions a week, gave up on the every 2nd day thing. Try maintenance for a bit, not thrashing yourself. Doms lessened considerably with more rest and electrolytes.
@nedlm10 Magnesium as well. Great answers.
Keep us posted. I do need to add 2nd year of weights is easier for soreness. Try something gentler on in between days: rowing or walking.
@nedlm10 May want to try mixing your lifts up, go heavy one workout, light the next. On the lights days maybe consider mobility exercises rather than the classic lifts. Pilates is an excellent mix-in, finish up with deep stretching. There are many mobility videos on youtube. Instead of your usual cardio equipment just go outside and do a brisk 15 minute walk. I've lifted consistently for 15 years and have learned that the routine has to change a bit and every workout can't be full throttle if that makes sense.
@nedlm10 Creatine and protein intake have been mentioned plenty here. Adding my voice to that!

Three things that I have found help with muscle soreness:

1) Elemental magnesium intake. I use Magnesium Glycinate and get some from my electrolytes. I take a rather high daily dose, over 1g.

2) Topical magnesium. I prefer adding a magnesium salt to a hot bath (related to point 3). But a soaked cloth applied to the sore muscle works too.

3) Heat exposure. Sauna or hot water (all but head submerged)

Hope you can find relief without sacrificing exercise intensity, volume or frequency!
@jjrjr Yeah, I agree, definitely feel like pushing myself to go heavier, longer…all those things, is beneficial to my mental health. Being on this fitness journey really helped me through a lot, and I don’t want to slow down.
I take magnesium for migraines but only 250mg a day.

Oh, and would I love to have a hot tub!!!
@nedlm10 I totally hear you there! It’s why I’m often hesitant to recommend supplements. But you seem to have the big levers dialled in. Therefore I’d start to look to the smaller levers like supplements