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    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @rch6776 i have no idea how to fill something like that out, thanks anyway 🤣
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    How much can you deadlift/what is your goal?

    @orthodoxforever I can do about 85 lbs and 95 but my form gets a lil wonky. ive been weight lifting too long to only be able to deadlift this little of weight but im okay with it because its the healthy thing to do. even tho my muscles probably arent growing im at least maintaining them
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    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @tmthy21 yeah i agree. its hard bcuz i have a binge eating problem so i eat less cals during the week after big binges on the weekend. bad cycle
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    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @mj_1969 its hard bcuz if i eat over like 1700 cals ill gain weight but i think its cuz ive been in a deficit for so long. Like if i eat more than i am now ill gain weight but when does that balance out idk its confusing
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    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @childofgod222 Im not sure. How do i figure it out besides an online calculator?
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    I’m so upset…

    @ebarnes i work out but never drink electrolytes. I dont even know why its necessary. am I doing something wrong?!😬
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    Please help build weight loss/muscle build routine!

    @frater_domus you cant build any muscle if you eat 1200 cals. and you gotta eat more protein than that.
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    I listened to y’all and this is what happened (body recomp results, month 1)

    @prayforgaza hows that a body recomp then? arent you supposed to eat at maintenance
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    Rate my Workout

    @minhducyahoo how can you work out your legs twice in a row? Im so sore i could never do legs again the next day
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    I listened to y’all and this is what happened (body recomp results, month 1)

    @prayforgaza so did you increase calories? how many cals? im curious as i am the same height. been weight lifting on 1500 cals for a bit and am not seeing progress. eating at least 100g protein