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I am 5’4”, 134-136 lb 34 y/o female. My body fat is between 23%-25% per an online calculator where i have entered my measurements and the Spren app. My goal is to reduce body fat and get more muscle definition. I’d also like to gain strength and lift a bit heavier. Body recomp has been my main priority since losing 20 lbs earlier this year. I would prefer not to eat at a surplus as I do not want to do a bulk/cut.

I pulled this from a workout program shared online so I cannot take credit for the structure but I have done two weeks of it so far and found myself really liking the layout/variety and have been able to progress my weight on almost all exercises from week one to week two. I will be following this structure for 4 weeks and then it will shift slightly with different exercise variations.

I used a TDEE calculator for the last few months tracking my weight and calorie intake to determine my maintenance TDEE and calorie deficit. It has been very helpful and accurate I feel. I’ve been averaging a TDEE of 1900 (Restricted to 1500 to lose the weight). I walked 8-10k steps per day and worked out an average of 45 minutes 5 days a week before beginning my lifting journey, so this feels pretty accurate. I am planning on eating close to maintenance for a couple of weeks while I settle into this new routine (below). Once I’ve got the hang of it I’d like to restrict by a smaller amount than when I was actively trying to lose .75-1 lb a week.

Pros: It seems like each day moves the focus of the exercise to a different muscle group so I haven’t felt too taped out even when lifting heavy in leg presses and hip thrusts. My level of soreness feels even and manageable. I also like that it is a 3-4 day schedule so I can continue to incorporate walking, hiking, and some light running with my dog. I am also new to using machines instead of dumbbells and like that these are all easy to find in the Caliber app to review form.

Cons: Not really a con but I am just not used to using machines such as the chest press, leg extension, or leg curl and it feels weird to do isolated exercises. I have primarily used compound movements but also haven’t seen the results or strength gains I have been looking for so take that for what you will.

Day 1

Leg press 3 x 8 (2 min rest) Up to 200 lb from 170 lb

Machine shoulder press 3 x 10 (2 min rest)

Superset 1

Eccentric Accentuated Dumbbell RDL 2 x 8

Single arm dumbbell row 2 x 12

Superset 2

Machine hip abduction 2 x 10

Dumbbell Standing side crunch 2 x 15

Superset 3

Dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 12

Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Raise 3 x 15

Day 2

Hip thrust (using smith machine) 3 x 8 (2 min rest) Up to 140 lb from 100 lb

Machine chest press 3 x 10 (2 min rest)

Superset 1

Dumbbell reverse lunge 2x 10

Dumbbell front raise 2 x 15

Superset 2

Cable standing glute kickback 2 x 10

Cable standing hip abduction 2 x 10

Superset 3

Dumbbell bicep curl 2 x 15

Dumbbell overhead tricep extension 2 x 12

Day 3

Sumo goblet squat 2 x 10 (2 min rest) Up to 70 lb from 60 lb

Lat pull down 3 x 8 (2 min rest)

Superset 1

Machine leg curl 2 x 15

Rope face pull 2 x 15

Superset 2

Leg extension 2 x 20

Machine ab crunch 2 x 12

Cardio (10-15 minute) walk, bike, light run

Optional day

Superset 1

Bodyweight Bulgarian split squat 3 x 13

Knee banded glute bridge 3 x 22

Superset 2

Push up AMRAP

Single arm dumbbell row 2 x 10

Superset 3

Plank 3 x 45 sec

Knee banded hip abduction 3 x 25
@minhducyahoo I’m confused about the organization. Is each day a full body day? You may have more success following a push, pull, leg split if you want to do 3 days/week, just my thoughts!

Also for those higher rep exercises (20+ reps) have you considered adding some weight and staying in the 8-12 rep range? That would help accomplish your goal of building more muscle.
@cyclone_105 Yeah, each of the three days is full body which weirded me out at first as well but I haven't found a reason to dislike it on that basis alone. If nothing else, I hope I will gain a better understanding of all of these exercises over the next couple of weeks and shift into something better. I do agree with you on the high rep range. Those are during the supersets but I would think I could stand to decrease these and increase the weight.
@minhducyahoo This routine doesn’t focus on one muscle group per day. Every day is a full body. For instance, day 1 is legs, shoulders, glutes, back and core. Day 2 is glutes, chest, legs, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. And day 3 is mixed too. If you like doing your workouts this way then just make sure you are not doing the 3 days of strength back to back. Also, if you prefer doing the exercise with dumbbells instead of a machine, I’d say do it with dumbbells. Especially if you are more advanced with strength training.
@danilog That is a good call. I have had to do a couple of them back to back but never three in a row. I don't totally hate the machines. I definitely do feel a better burn on some exercises with the machines that I normally have not felt with dumbbells but I may have just been wimpy with the weight. I am not advanced with strength training at all so I chose this program to give some guidance to my week. Thanks for your thoughts.
@timothy1212 If I do a legit leg-focused day as I have in the past I absolutely could not do this. I think because there are a couple of heavy leg-focused exercises rather than an entire workout focused on them I have felt good going into the next workout day. I have been trying to separate these by one day at least.
@grey20 Eh, I figured it wasn't totally ideal. I am not trying to build crazy muscles though and really want something I can complete in 45 minutes to an hour. I am definitely feeling that I can progress in weights with the exception of lateral raises and shoulder press. I am struggling with those muscles.
@minhducyahoo Its all good, if you are barely starting its more important to focus on your tecnique and to build a habit. Try not to burn out at the beginning, a lot of people try to do 5-6 days a week and they burnout in 2-3 weeks. 2-4 days a week will get you great results. If you have limited time id suggest stick with compound movements and maybe supersets the small muscles for example you can do 3 sets of close grip bench press and that will hit your chest,triceps and front delts. Underhand pulldowns will hit your back and biceps same with some horizontal pull. Then you could superset bicep with triceps and side delts with rear delts. Best of luck and if you need good info on the nutrition and workouts look up on youtube renaissance periodazation and check out their channel they got good stuff there that might help you