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    Lifting heavy v low weight/high reps for slimmer legs?

    @arttonie I’ve had luck with a calorie deficit and heavy lifting! And some cardio
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @skillz I really like Oikos Greek yogurt - it has 15-20g of protein depending on the flavor. I can’t have whey protein powder either so I like the chocolate Vega sport protein (pea protein)
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    Am I doing body recomp correctly?

    @alex1234567890 I’m 5’3” 158 and I was told to eat 115g of protein a day. I think you might be able to increase protein! I definitely have the same body type (I carry my fat on my lower body for sure) so I know the struggle. I’ve been trying to lose as well for a really long time but I go from...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @adriana28 This is what I do! I always pre-track and basically eat the same breakfast and lunch and then rotate a couple dinners. I know (roughly) how many calories the dinners are too so I can stay within the calories! I’m sure he will be supportive! My husband is just happy that he doesn’t...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @adriana28 I feel this. I moved in with my bf, got engaged and married and I gained 20-30 lbs. I would start tracking again. Luckily my husband also tracks, but I don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about. You can have a chat with your bf and let him know this is something you would...
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    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    @slant I agree. I find strength training boring but I’ve seen a ton of benefits!
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    At home workouts

    @skymarie Yes I did before. I’m not a huge fan of peloton strength training but that sounds like a perfect routine!
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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @francis_mcc Unfortunately it is. If I could eat 1700 calories I would be much happier! It’s been a learning an experience where I tried for over a year and didn’t lose any weight!
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    Vent …. I feel hopeless

    @stevensloan Good luck!
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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @francis_mcc I do 1450-1500, weights, and walking (running sometimes). I have hypothyroidism so it makes losing more difficult
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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @irishamerican4christ I’ve tried this before and it didn’t work for me. I ended up gaining more fat. I had 20 lbs to lose. I try to do 7K steps and I still can’t lose at almost 1600
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    Nothing is working

    @warlord4747 Have you gotten blood work done? That sounds like me when I had undiagnosed thyroid issues. I think you need to eat more! I would eat closer to 1500 and focus on protein
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    Vent …. I feel hopeless

    @stevensloan I was 100 lbs at 5’3” in high school. And now 160 😬 a lot of pizza and takeout and a thyroid disorder. Honestly just eat more oil, fats and possibly eat out more. It’s much more difficult to lose weight though
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    How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F

    @foulendeparis Oatmeal and protein bar for breakfast, turkey sandwich during lunch and a protein-based dinner (chicken, salmon, tacos, etc). If I’m low I will have Greek yogurt in my snack. That usually does the trick!
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    How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F

    @onlyheknows I’m 5’3” and I eat 115-120g of protein a day
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    I’m 5’4.5 and I weigh 146

    @judy123 I would say around 100g - on the high end it would be 110-115g.
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    I hate working out

    @sriram I’ve learned that you can compare yourself to others. I love to eat but I just can’t eat as much as taller people or my husband! I’ve been trying to lose weight for a year so I feel this. Also screw those people who are saying rude things to you! They shouldn’t be commenting on your body...
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    Switching to sculpt/low weight workouts to lean out?

    @virtualhope I would focus on cutting a little bit! I feel similar but I know I have fat over my muscles but I’ve gained muscles recently. Also maybe try doing less maybe? 4-5 is a lot with cardio. Maybe 2x spinning and 2-3 strength?
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    5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

    @uticus It depends. If it’s 1% incline I do 3.5-3.7. If it’s a 8-12% incline then it’s 3. My jog is 4.0-4.3. I’m 5’3”
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    what is your fav low calorie breakfast?

    @lw97nils Oatmeal and protein drink with coffee! Just under 400