Lifting heavy v low weight/high reps for slimmer legs?


New member
I see so many conflicting opinions and statements online it's so confusing, so I am hoping to hear from some people with experience!

I'm 155cm and 61kg. Over the years I have bounced between all sorts of methods (heavy weights and squats, low weight/high rep) but tbh I've never stuck with it once I get to a comfortable place.

I carry most of my extra fat in my legs, and I do feel that I have quite a bit of muscle. Most recently I have been doing uphill walking, strength training on upper body.. but I'm lost on what to do with legs, I've mostly just done some resistance training with ankle weights and some deadlifts (with like 20kg or something).

Anyone with similar build have experience in slimming down thighs? I've started to really focus on consistency now and I'm worried if I keep doing dead lifts, Bulgarian split squat etc my legs will get bigger.

Please, any experience or thoughts are appreciated 🙏🏼
@arttonie If you carry extra fat in your legs, it’s gonna be a calorie deficit to get them smaller. It’s not about your workouts.

I have genetically big legs. When I do a calorie deficit, my legs get slim pretty quickly, after about 6-8 weeks I’ll see them get smaller.

When I eat in a calorie surplus for an extended period of time, I can feel the extra weight going to my legs!

You can’t spot reduce fat with workouts. The last place I personally lose fat is my lower stomach and backs of my arms.

Legs are a problem area too, but I’ll lose fat in my legs before those super stubborn spots with a consistent calorie deficit. You just gotta do your deficit and be patient and the weight will come off.

On that note, the good thing about having big legs is that they are good calorie burners!
@arttonie The internet is over complicating this, just eat in a calorie deficit and train close to failure (high reps low weight or heavy weight low reps doesn’t matter whatsoever) good luck
@arttonie Unfortunately the only thing that will make your legs slimmer is a calorie deficit. The more exercise you do, the bigger they will get and you just have to be ok with that. I have massive thighs and calves and they are the first to grow when I do anything. Heavy lifting, cardio, HIIT, whatever, if you have the genetics for big legs, then you will have big legs. The slimmest they will get is by reducing body fat.
@arttonie Eating in a deficit is crucial, that said compound lifts will give you the most bang for your buck. Think squat and deadlift variations, and lunge and single leg variations. Heavy weight, which means after 7 reps in good form you can do 1 more and that's it. Every person is different, you might build muscle faster in your legs and lose fat faster on your arms, for example. Be consistent and give it time, think in terms of months, not weeks. A few people got downvoted into obscurity for suggesting pilates, but both pilates and barre classes and very complimentary to weightlifting.
@arttonie I’d honestly recommend some yoga and Pilates, you could even take a barre class. Something more leg heavy but focus is stretch and tone. Vs building large muscle groups. These kinds of exercises will develop the smaller muscles in your legs.
And they are a lot of fun too. Whatever you go with you should be having fun and enjoying it.
@mursieme I agree adding more toning focused exercises will lean your legs. I also like growing ananas YouTube leg workout videos. I noticed my legs look more toned when I complete them.
@arttonie They're different means to the same end, so do whatever you prefer. Or when you can't lift any heavier, drop the weight, up the reps and try again later.

I don't know what that does to leg shape but it will lead to stronger legs as long as you are mindful of not overdoing it and remember to rest.