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  1. M

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @wmsgil Yes, 3 or 4 sets each depending on if I’m focusing more on chest or back. If you do that 2x a week that’s 12-16 sets which is my sweet spot for most muscle groups as an advanced lifter. Incline and chest flies both hit front delts. Side delts should be your top priority though imo. My...
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    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @wmsgil Definitely wouldn’t do that. I just do an incline press variation, chest fly variation, row variation, and pulldown variation. Shoulders/Arms day is just 2 lateral raise variations, 2 bicep curl variations, 2 tricep extension variations. Look at Geoffrey Verity Schoenfields split. It’s...
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    6.2ft or 6.3ft tall natural bodybuilers example

    @aaarmstee67 I’m 6’7 natty advanced lifter but never actually competed. What advice are you looking for ?
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    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @dawn16 Doing biceps after back or triceps after chest is just not as good as doing arms by themselves. Unless you have great arm great arm genetics I’d highly recommend training them on their own day. I’ve lifted for 16 years at this point and have seen over an inch of growth on each arm after...
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    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @wmsgil I’d highly suggest Arnold split for arms. Ppl is just not a good set up if arms are your focus.
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    6 day bro split

    @intotheforge Yeah, a suitcase carry is a good core exercise but that doesn’t mean you need to do it everyday to have a strong core. More is not always better. Any squat, deadlift, lunge, or non chest supported row variation works your core. No reason to mindlessly do additional core exercises...
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    6 day bro split

    @intotheforge You’re 5’6 250lbs I’m gonna assume you think abs/core everyday will help you lose weight. That’s not how it works.
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    6 day bro split

    @intotheforge Why? 2-3 times a week is definitely better than everyday as you are giving the muscles time to recover from direct work while they are constantly getting indirect work.
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    6 day bro split

    @rijesusfreak Abs are no different than any other muscle imo. Shoulders,Arms,Calves,Abs can usually be trained with the highest frequency at around 2-3 times a week
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    6 day bro split

    @rijesusfreak Why are you doing abs everyday? The chest, back, hams/glutes, shoulder, arms, quads split looks great. I’d say start the week with your top priority muscle since it’s after a rest day.
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    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    @godsmusician Not many splits will work with 4 on 4 off. I’d say a legs, chest/shoulders, back, arms split would work well for focusing on upper body and a legs, push,pull,legs for focusing on legs. You could also do legs,chest/back,shoulders/arms,legs if you like having the arm day but still...
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    Is this overkill?

    @azfara I think that’s a great idea. One other suggestion is to do more machine work as it doesn’t require as much stability or set up. You can usually push closer to failure on a machine compared to free weights and make sure the muscle is the limiting factor. Like a chest press machine, seated...
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    Is this overkill?

    @azfara As an advanced lifter of 15+ years, you should never have more then 6 exercises per workout. Too many beginning want to do insane volume but are not training hard at all. Trying hard is infinitely more important then doing a lot of exercises and sets. You basically just made a workout...
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    High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

    @lia1234 For sure. I’ve been doing this split for like 2 years and made insane gains even as an advanced lifter 16+yrs. Specifically in the arms and delts. I usually just do cable/db/machine lateral raises and delts are bigger than ever.
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    Arms lagging (?), 5'9 and 165lbs

    @mohitraletta I’d highly suggest an arm day with isolation only exercises. Db curls, db hammer curls, preacher curl machine, long tops pushdown, long rope overhead tricep extension
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    High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

    @lia1234 This is great. I’d just say to replace OHP with lateral raise variation. Front delts got worked with chest press and chest fly 1 day before. If you want more front delts do a high incline press or low to high chest fly.
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    Can anyone recommend a decent bro-split template?

    @zobers For 5 days try something like: Chest: Flat Press, Incline Press, Machine/Cable Fly Back: Pulldown, Chest Supported Row, Straight Arm Pulldown Legs: Hack Squat/Leg Press, Leg Extension, Romanian Deadlift, Hamstring Curl, Seated Calf Raise Shoulders: Cable Lateral Raise, Dumbbell Lateral...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @maria28 I did this for like 2 years out of my 15 years of lifting and definitely made the most progress in this time. Good thing it’s easy to maintain gains after you have them.
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    Is this overkill?

    @azfara 20 sets a week at a extremely low effort per set will get HORRIBLE results compared to 6-10 sets to failure. Stop thinking more sets+more exercises=more muscle. That is not how it works at all.
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    Question about legday..

    @journeytolife77 Squat, deadlift, romanian deadlift, and split squats all in the same workout is insane. If your main goal is building muscle I’d take out deadlifts completely. Stimulus to fatigue ratio makes it a horrible exercise for bodybuilding imo. I’d also say swap squat for hack squat or...