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  1. J

    I hate lifting

    @chrisccc Swimming might
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    Runners knee issues

    @milkywaymercy Thanks for asking. Actually great. I started doing a leg day every week, bought new running shoes and the issue seems absent know after two months of no running at all. I have been running for three months now or so gradually upgrading my distance and I’m at 80% of what I used to...
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    Runners knee issues

    @davidkiwi That’s a good idea. Ordering a foam roller now!
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    Runners knee issues

    @davidkiwi I don’t understand the use for a foamroll. Maybe you can explain?
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    Runners knee issues

    @davidkiwi Thanks for your reply. I will look into that. Any advice on specific exercises?
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    Runners knee issues

    @milkywaymercy Thanks for the tips. I’ll watch your vids
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    Runners knee issues

    @doug9694 Thanks. Most of these exercises are for tight hips an back mustles. Since I have an office job I already thought I had to look into that
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    Runners knee issues

    @lovinjesus4life Thanks
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    Runners knee issues

    Quick backstory. 38 male, 5 years vegan now and been running fora out 4,5 years. Before going vegan I wasn’t the sporty type. About 3 years back I hurt my right knee due to bad running form and psychological issues during that time. Took three months until i got back on the road to run outside...
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    Thanks for the help! I’ve been overeating since Wednesday, and felt like a pig 😳. But I have to say that I noticed a big difference in the gym today. Not so easily exhausted, could actually lift more. Awesome!!
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @samwente I really love running actually. I used to do two 20km runs a week but had to drop them because of a knee injury last summer. Also running is very good to clear my head, also dealing with depression. I don’t really understand what cortisol has to do with this, can you elaborate? I...
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @dawn16 I had came to the same conclusion 😅 I guess because I sit on my ass the entire day for work I thought I didn’t need any more than I took.
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @dawn16 I have been lifting for over three years, but taking it seriously for about a year now. I do know that I am broader because I moved from an eu m to eu l shirt. Calorie wise about 2200, protein I aim for 1,5 g/kg
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @caritasium Not really. I have a training scheme I made from excercises, but it is not something a pro came up with. So it also makes sense that I maybe focus on some wrong stuff. Any suggestions?
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @unidentified I do not want to ditch walking running and skating. I used to run around 20k before I ran into an injury. And I take great joy in doing this. I do realise I might eat to little. And it makes sense actually. I don’t know about the trt. I think my testoron levels aren’t that much...
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @dubschanging Thanks for responding. I got a lot of responses saying I do not eat enough. I do think that this might be the case. I used to be very focused on not eating more 2500 kcal because I have a desk job. But it makes sense I need to eat more
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    Hi there. I’m really struggling with my muscle mass. I do notice I’m growing but it’s painstakingly slow. Them i see a lot of guys at the gym growing a lot faster than I am, am I find that a bit discouraging. I do not know if they are vegan or not, use steroids or something. I do know they are...