Runners knee issues


New member
Quick backstory. 38 male, 5 years vegan now and been running fora out 4,5 years. Before going vegan I wasn’t the sporty type.

About 3 years back I hurt my right knee due to bad running form and psychological issues during that time. Took three months until i got back on the road to run outside that is. I’m that period I ran only on the treadmill.

Two months back I came home from my Sunday morning run and had a sting on the right side of my right knee. Couldn’t walk normal the rest of that day. Inpast and I didn’t think much of it and made my normal 15 km the next few weeks until the pain came back.
It was now consistent around 9 to 10 km. So I decided to stop before that distance to cut my knee some slack thinking it would pass.

I was away for over a week for holiday so didn’t do any running for a week and a half. Last Sunday I went for my first run and after 6 km the same ligament on the right side of my right knee acted up.

I don’t think it is my form because I’ve been paying attention to that. Any suggestions how I can get rid of this once and for all in the form of exercises or leg workouts to prevent this?
@jrock8787 I have the same buddy. Mine is my left and on a run it used to go after about 3 miles. All from my hips as the other reply said. What’s fixed it for me…massage gun and a video on lengthening and shortening certain muscles, more hip stretches, ice packs post runs when sore and a good chiropractor who has helped realign some spine issues for me. Don’t try and address the actual pain area itself (unless it’s with ice) as chances are it’s not being caused by the area it hurts.

Good luck
@jrock8787 Sounds like an ITB issue. Try to get a diagnosis to be sure. This rehab routine combined with lower body strength training resolved my ITB pain that I'd had for years.
@jrock8787 Strength training was key to my recovery. If you aren't already following a strength routine, start slow (no weights) and work your way up. If you're already doing weighted squats and things like that, reduce the load. Bulgarian split squats, glute bridges, banded monster walks are good places to start with the caveat that you should always consult your doctor to rule out any issues that a new training routine could exacerbate. You can also do all of those exercises at home with no (or minimal) equipment.
@jrock8787 Hello from r/veganrunners :)

Like @doug9694 said, if it's on the outside of your knee near the knee cap it could be ITBS. There's so many things it could be caused by or could help it!

Strength training is ultra-important, I have a few videos HERE that may be helpful for you.

Training load errors as well, such as running too hard too often, etc come into play. I'm a big fan of massage gunning as @lovinjesus4life brought up. I recommend every runner I coach get one and not a single person has regretted it :)
@jrock8787 Hey hey, I’m a fitness coach and corrective exercise coach, also 38yo vegan runner, so Go Team 🙌. Most knee issues are due to foot and hip issues, which lead to misaligned knees while running or doing other physical activities. Then you could have ligament or tendon inflammation as a result. Strategy is to address imbalances in muscular strength and mobility for gluteal complex and also lower leg/foot. There are guides to programs like this online, for runners specifically, or DM me. ✌️
@jrock8787 Single leg, barefoot balancing with partial squat and then heel raise. 2-leg and 1-leg glute/hamstring bridge lying down. Slow side steps with resistance band. All done barefoot and taking care to keep foot arch lifted/engaged. Otherwise, foam roll glutes and thighs, and massage ball to dig deep and find muscle knots in back of hip and bottom of foot.
@jrock8787 If you have overly tight muscles that apply uneven load around joints, the tendons of those muscles can be strained in a way that causes inflammation and then misaligns other joints. For example, if your TFL muscle is locked up, it tugs the IT Band which crossed your knee joint and then can cause knee issues. You can foam roll (self massage) the TFL to make it relax / have less tension.
@milkywaymercy Thanks for asking. Actually great. I started doing a leg day every week, bought new running shoes and the issue seems absent know after two months of no running at all. I have been running for three months now or so gradually upgrading my distance and I’m at 80% of what I used to run twice a week.