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  1. N

    Need help for god sake

    @knownunknown I totally agree with you on some parts but with the 6 days a week point,I feel I can't stay at home because of the guilt of avoiding the gym (altho for my good) will eat me up.Hence the 6 days routine.I have read all the comments and it concludes that i should get a good 7 hours...
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    Need help for god sake

    @knownunknown Yes they are,no exaggeration.
  3. N

    Need help for god sake

    @roadrunner109 Can you please help me in customising 6 exercises for a Pull day?
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    Need help for god sake

    @knownunknown ok here's my detailed Pull day routine : Push ups : 10 Pull ups : 13, Deadlift (20lbs,25lbs,45lbs) 10,12,6 Bent over dumbbell(15lbs,15lbs,20lbs)15,12 Lat pull down,wide grip (40lbs,50lbs,60lbs) 15,12,5 Low cable row (30lbs,40lbs,40lbs) 15,5,12 Db shrugs (15lbs,20lbs,25lbs)...
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    Need help for god sake

    @knownunknown I do 3 sets per exercise with 10-15 reps and I go failure with the last set.
  6. N

    Need help for god sake

    @faith35 Got it man, prioritising sleep from now on.
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    Need help for god sake

    @jenfer I completely understand but why should I skip the gym to fix my sleep routine? I can still do it while doing gym I think
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    Need help for god sake

    @jenfer Thank you so much.However, peaceful 7 hours sleep is still a distant dream for me,no pun intended.
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    Need help for god sake

    @grandma2 Agreed but as I said to someone in this comment section, engineering messes up the sleep cycle.
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    Need help for god sake

    @thdev Wait I'll show my legs routine : Squats (10lbs,20lbs,20lbs) 10,6,3 Lunges (bw,bw,bw)10, Leg press (1200lbs,120lbs,210lbs) 10,15,6 Standing calves (20lbs)12 Sitting calves (35lbs,35lbs,45lbs)7,15,10 Leg curls (40lbs,40lbs,50lbs)15,12,4 ,this is the exact order and the no. Of exercise
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    Need help for god sake

    @thdev What about the shoulder and legs?
  12. N

    Need help for god sake

    @vjannette I do 8 exercises with 3 sets of each for the upper body i.e Push & Pull.Is it too much? I do not overdo the weight.
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    Need help for god sake

    @vjannette Also,what are the things to keep in mind for the recovery of the body? How do you recover completely?
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    Need help for god sake

    @vjannette I started in 2021,and it has been mostly on and off since then.But as of now I'm pretty consistent.
  15. N

    Need help for god sake

    @vjannette I follow the PPL routine for MTW,TFS respectively. 6 days a week.
  16. N

    Need help for god sake

    @seets I know man,i regret it as well but my engineering doesn't let me have a peaceful sleep.
  17. N

    Need help for god sake

    Context: I have been working out a lot lately,sleep schedule is kinda messed up( 5-6 hours sleep daily). Protein count is upto my weight, definitely trying to make it 2x slowly. My question is how the f you avoid getting fatigue after working out? I always feel tired and sleepy after hitting a...