Need help for god sake


New member
I have been working out a lot lately,sleep schedule is kinda messed up( 5-6 hours sleep daily). Protein count is upto my weight, definitely trying to make it 2x slowly.
My question is how the f you avoid getting fatigue after working out? I always feel tired and sleepy after hitting a gym for 1 hour.
Any hacks around it?
@nicolo93f IMO, your body isn't recovering due to the training volume. You will see better gains following a 4 day upper lower routine. You need to recover to grow. Hence, the fatigue.
@nicolo93f You should be feeling fresh before the workout session and not feel tired/yawning throughout the day. Everyone has different symptoms to fatigue but some are common.

Also drink around 2-3 litres of water on an average.
@nicolo93f Yes it is. It's better to reduce the quantity and focus on the quality of the sets. You actually have to workout hard and intensely and then recover. Don't overdo it and focus on progression of weights, reps.

Google ' upper lower phul program' and follow that. It's simple and effective. Follow this for at least 3 months and report back here. Good luck!
@thdev Wait I'll show my legs routine :
Squats (10lbs,20lbs,20lbs) 10,6,3
Lunges (bw,bw,bw)10,
Leg press (1200lbs,120lbs,210lbs) 10,15,6
Standing calves (20lbs)12
Sitting calves (35lbs,35lbs,45lbs)7,15,10
Leg curls (40lbs,40lbs,50lbs)15,12,4
,this is the exact order and the no. Of exercise
@nicolo93f The only hack I would recommend is rest and sleep.

To be honest, there is really no alternative to sleep.

If you push too much for too long, you might be fatigued and it might be bad for your progress.
@nicolo93f Sleep deprivation is gonna stuff up your hormones, especially growth hormone is affected by lack of sleep. Sleep is as important as diet and good training. I used to have same fatigue after gym, it means you are overreaching or overtraining. Cut down time in gym to max 45mins.

You can fix your circadian rythem in the following way: First 4 hours after waking up, spend time outdoors in sunlight and before 4 hours of expected sleep time, shut down all lights. Avoid phone usage or at least have blue filter. This will shift your circadian clock by around 1 hour each day.