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  1. T

    Why is higher weight fewer reps better?

    @hesgoturback So the thinking around this is starting to change more recently with newer research. The research is pointing more towards the idea that the actual rep scheme doesn’t matter (much) more so the intensity is what is important. As already pointed out by RealFitnessUK pointed out...
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    Do light workouts have benefit?

    @mainten84 Intensity is showing to be the important piece in terms of progress. “Light” and “Heavy” are always going to be subjective. The trouble is it’s really difficult to get to near failure with “light” weight because reps 15 to 30 often times feel as difficult as each other. That said...
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    Ive recently started the gym (1 month ago) and looking for advice on my training plan

    @br4ndon21 There’s nothing inherently wrong with the plan you currently have. Without knowing more information (goals, time in the gym, etc), it’s impossible to say anything more than that. There’s also nothing wrong with combining pull and core. That being said, if you’re recovering well and...
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    Humble brag. Just wanted to tell someone that I quit drinking, quit smoking l, and quit marijuana for 30 days now

    @calvinabume That’s a streak you should be very proud of! Keep up the great work. We’re cheering for you!
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    Disappointed with progress (2 months)

    @sharrylee It’s only after the first month that you will really start to stress muscles enough to create change. As others have said, it takes time to see muscle growth/physique change.
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    Cut or Bulk?

    @felipeoliveir That’s why I would personally recommend giving a “bulk” a try. I think you will find you will feel stronger, more energized, and healthy. My two cents. I come from a background where I was doing a lot of cardio, trying to get lighter. I’m now easily 25lbs heavier and relatively...
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    Cut or Bulk?

    @felipeoliveir You’re quite likely to get 20 different opinions to this question from a diverse set of opinions on fitness. It does depend on your goal yes, but I would ask, what is your expectation for when you reach whatever your goal is? How do you want to feel?