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  1. G

    What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

    @januszpedal2 Whoops, I just updated the link... thanks. (LINK)
  2. G

    What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

    This sums it up for me, haha... joking aside, working out makes me feel great and like I've accomplished something. Plus, I hope that it will inspire my 7 yr old to be active and follow my example. edit: updated link
  3. G

    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    @timhieuvetrello This is great, thank you!!!
  4. G

    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    @timhieuvetrello I am just revisiting this post and I am really considering switching to 5/3/1 BBB and was hoping to get some input. First of all, thank you for the amazing posts on this subject. Very informative and very appreciated. As you recommended, I would like to move forward with the...
  5. G

    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    I've searched around and read the book... so I'm hoping to find some constructive criticism on what I'm thinking of going with... I'm planning on switching (currently doing GreySkull) to 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories, 3 days a week (MWF). I know the book calls for a 3-day program by stretching out...