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  1. M

    3 hours too much for full body weightlifting 3 days/week?

    @godisworking101 3hrs? Fuck me! If you did 3 sets of compound exercises like squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead press and barbell row. You'll be able to cut that time in half and still hit every muscle you are isolating.
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    How do you keep energised at work without surgery snacks when dieting?

    @divinity3 Coffee and fasting for me. I wake up early and do strength training, go to work, come home and have a big steak with butter and eggs. Have tons of energy, laser focus and no distracting hunger.
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    How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?

    @abnerpublishing For real? You work 1/3 of the day. What do you do for the other 16hrs? You might sleep 8, so you still have a whole other 8hrs to workout and get shit done.
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    When I gain muscle, I gain fat, and when I lose fat, I lose muscle. This is BS

    @silas0307 When you put on muscle, you will gain fat as well. It's the nature of the beast. To lose fat and retain muscle you need to be in a slight deficit and still lift heavy, but you will also lose a small amount of strength. IMO just be strong and thick at 15-20% looks better than a...
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    I’m starting my workout journey. I’m a 6’3”, 230lbs male. I’d like to slim down to around 200lbs with muscle. Any tips?

    @honeysuckledreams I would remain at the same weight for your height. Start lifting heavy weight, 3 sets of 5 on compound exercises. And you should see some great muscle gains