3 hours too much for full body weightlifting 3 days/week?

@godisworking101 if you do the pre-exhaust superset, you should be able to cut the loading on Zerchers down dramatically, keeping in mind that Zerchers were in some sense 'designed' for situations like yours. Alternatively do pre-exhaust with leg extension then heavy DB goblet squat or double dumbell 'front' squat (power curl the DBs up and rest them on your shoulders). Leg extensions alone just isn't doing much for your quads but they pair well with the above or front squats or lunges... [For more leg ideas, see the end]

For overhead presses, cut the weight dramatically and focus on form -- one week do DB overhead presses and another do BB overhead. There is a lot of value to this movement pattern even if you never go heavy.

Idea to kill a few birds with one or two stones:

If you can do pushups off paralletes then your wrists should be close to being able to handle DB bench presses -- buy a pair of paralletes for $20 on Amazon and work on said pushups. If you have the $$ get a heavy weight vest [kensui if you already have olympic plates] and skip the benching in favor of weighted pushups on the paralletes [start unweighted then over time add weight to the vest as appropriate], pick two legs elevation angles and rotate between them every other workout -- weighted pushups is a vastly underappreciated exercise. Bonus: The weight vest + DBs should also work great for lunges, bulgarian split squats, etc. Additional Bonus: You can also wear the vest and use even less weight on the BB when doing [quasi] Zercher squats.
@cosimnot very helpful suggestions

i actually use bars for push ups, i find that pushups without bars still hurt my wrists. and i actually have a weighted vest, but i can definitely use it in the push ups, that's a great idea

@godisworking101 3hrs? Fuck me!

If you did 3 sets of compound exercises like squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead press and barbell row. You'll be able to cut that time in half and still hit every muscle you are isolating.
@godisworking101 To me 3hrs seems a excessive (my workouts typically last no more than 1hr)........buuuuuuuut that being said, if you have the time, seeing the gains, and enjoying it then I see no problem with spending that time there.

Plenty of commenters have suggested alteration you could make to it so I wont regurgitate any of that. Saying that if your not overly happy with the time being spent then I highly suggest you look for a program that has been put together by a respected coach/trainer. Happy to point you to resources if you want.