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  1. J

    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @kemada This is the same when a woman is in the early period of being pregnant. It's when there's a little bit of weight that it could be pregnancy or she might just have put on a few winter pounds, and you don't know whether to say anything.
  2. J

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @aeri20 If I had OP's physique and someone said that I couldn't gain 1lb of muscle again I wouldn't be that mad tbh
  3. J

    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @intotheforge Do you train calves?
  4. J

    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @brothermaurice Opposite for me. My forearms are small so an oversized T makes me look small.
  5. J

    I’m not sure what’s happening to my body

    @myheartisyours01 Your body is reacting to the stimulus. Also, it takes time to change your body.
  6. J

    Switching from 6 day ppl to 5 day split?

    @ladyofthedogs What program are you using or did you design your own?