I’m not sure what’s happening to my body

So I’ve been working out consistently for the past couple week. While I don’t expect any drastic changes, I was expecting atleast a little something. The odd part is that although my measurements or weight haven’t changed, I do feel different inside my body. Like I feel different, I’m not sure how to explain it. Can anyone explain this phenomenon?
@myheartisyours01 you're doing something new and your body is feeling something new. dont worry about it

check out thefitness.wiki it has a lot of good information about what to expect when you're starting out
@myheartisyours01 You feel different because of endorphins released. And can probably feel your muscles you've been using and feel like you have more control. Keep going, keep measurements and weight log. My weight fluctuates even when losing weight. For instance on a Sunday my weight was 88.8kg Monday 89.4 but by Friday I will almost bet my weight will be 88 or lower. Has been doing this every week past 4 weeks. Just keep going. It's a marathon not a sprint. Last but not least. Take photos, weekly.
@myheartisyours01 Diet will have the largest impact on how your body looks over the couple of weeks. Continue eating clean and working out consistently 4+ times a week for 8 weeks and compare pictures. Then adjust your diet and run the cycle for another 8 weeks. Rinse and repeat.

What are you doing for exercise? What is your diet like?
@myheartisyours01 Yeah , fat converting to muscle. Also your mitchondria are shifting how they burn fuel in your body. A lot of biochemical changes happen with exercise. Also endorphins and brain chemistry shifts. A lot changes. Its a good thing as long as you are not injured.
@avalynn You care to share the metabolic pathway of stored fat converting into muscle tissue?

You could be on to a groundbreaking discovery in fitness and nutrition.

Or, you could just be wrong.

If only there was a digital information network that you could type in things like "does fat convert to muscle?" and receive the answer from various sources. But, that's probably off somewhere in the distant future.
@samamph Oh my god . Get a life and learn inference and stop taking things so literally.

You are stupid if you think that each individual fat molecules magically turns into a muscle molecule. Read what i wrote again:

Fat percent goes down; muscle percent goes up. This is what is meant by fat turning into muscle. The body has different pathways for each to happen.