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  1. S

    New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

    @ianfaith It'll be nice! I just came back from family time in Ohio and brought my own health food with me. I got a lot of "why are you exercising?" from uncles who had no clue why I cared at all about weight lifting and strength exercises and from aunts who state I don't need to lose weight...
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    New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

    @ianfaith Great! I wouldn't mind doing this. I already have goals and milestones I reach and commit to them since January, but it'll be nice to share and celebrate with others who are also working out as well. :)
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 Thanks. I'm glad I found this group. Do you use any tape measure (like a sewer's one) or are there better ones for to use that's made for weight loss/muscle gain?
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 Congrats and you look great! It's always nice to see before and after examples targeting one of my biggest frustrations at the moment which is that stupid scale where the needle seems to never move. I've been working out 6 days a week, hour to an hour and a half for both weight loss...