How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

@john1277 Great transformation and awesome deadlift!

We have similar stats and stories. I also started lifting because I couldn't keep up my six day a week cardio intense routine because of shin splints (and I hated it). Lifting was such a fun change. Although I went from 115-135lb so none of my jeans fit me anymore. This is annoying, but my butt looks amazing in leggings now!
@john1277 This is awesome, good job! I've been struggling with the idea of losing weight vs toning up. I'm slowly getting better at ignoring the number on the scale, but I don't feel very different. I'm not going hard out though. Keep at it!
@john1277 I love the transformation. Congrats on your progress. I am 3 weeks in to the gym and am loving how quickly my body is responding! I am currently 117 or so, but with absolute no muscle tone and pretty squishy :p.

Your progress has really inspired me, and good luck! You should be proud!
@john1277 Amazing! Are stats are fairly similar, I've been cutting for the last 8-9 months and lost 22 lbs and recently I've gained back a few pounds... And it's torture to look at the scale and each time I try to convince myself that it's muscle.. It's muscle
My question is, from the beginning of your diet you ate 2100 calories?
@milegra Actually, not completely. I've been eating anywhere from 1900-2100. I just get too dang hungry to eat less! Every time I tried to cut back, I always felt exhausted and my lifts suffered. I started out at 1900 and slowly added calories once I was truly convinced I wasn't putting on excess weight. I've found that I have the perfect amount of energy at 2100ish and my weight has remained completely stable. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times that I think that's a ridiculous amount of calories...and I actually get jokes from others who think I eat like a grown man. :)
@john1277 Thanks for this! I just started lifting (stronglifts 5x5) and I'm excited to get FIT. I'm already thin - 5'6, 125lb, have been doing cardio and bodycombat classes and random weights for 4.5months, but I would love to look like your after pic one day, so I decided to start a lifting program. I know my little tummy pouch will likely be the last to go. Did you see the lifting really improve that area on yourself? I've read enough to have me convinced that the lifting will shape that....seems like the cardio and classes are not enough. (I'm also eating pretty clean too, trying to stay higher on protein, and generally sticking to low carb)
@jayden_jay I actually still have a little bit of a tummy pouch which you obviously can't see because I'm cheating and flexing in the picture. I'll try to get a more relaxed pic tomorrow. I don't think it's something that will ever completely go away and I've sorta just decided I can't stress about it anymore. one notices it but me! :)
@john1277 Congrats and you look great! It's always nice to see before and after examples targeting one of my biggest frustrations at the moment which is that stupid scale where the needle seems to never move.

I've been working out 6 days a week, hour to an hour and a half for both weight loss and strength and muscle toning/slight building through cardio and weight training and huge overhaul in diet. I've seen huge improvements in stamina and strength with some arm and back muscles coming in (and tones thighs and legs, need to work more on core). But I've lost maybe 7 pounds in two and a half months. I know I shouldn't rely on the scale since my clothes fit better and pants I knew were tight before now fit, but it still messes with my head that I'm doing so much and the needle isn't moving far (when the TVs at the gym always play those commercials about women losing 20 pounds in 21 days and such).

But I'll keep your post in mind and use it as inspiration that my body is changing just like you mention. Thanks so much!
@stopspendingus I had to stop looking at the scale entirely for a while. I had someone tell me early on to just focus on getting stronger and my body will do what it needs to do to get there. It seemed to work! I also try to tell people to measure their waist, hips, etc. because I actually have noticed a significant difference in that regard. Aside from the fact that my shirts and pants fit a lot better (and some are even way too big!), at the same weight, I went from a 30" waist to a 27" waist and 39" hips to 37" hips (that butt, tho....).
@john1277 You look absolutely incredible, and the results show x 1000. This is also a very timely reminder for me as I've just come off my 3 month check-in with my trainer and have seen results and am struggling to keep in the mindset that slow body change is best and I'm still heading steadily towards my lifting/bodyfat/fitness/size goals.