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    Lifting heavy v low weight/high reps for slimmer legs?

    @arttonie They're different means to the same end, so do whatever you prefer. Or when you can't lift any heavier, drop the weight, up the reps and try again later. I don't know what that does to leg shape but it will lead to stronger legs as long as you are mindful of not overdoing it and...
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    Do you have to have a structured workout routine to see results? Can I wing it every day and still experience the benefits of strength training?

    @mihai_1991 Valid. Nothing really stuck for my spouse until he found exercise he actually enjoyed. So to me, switching up whatever you are doing every 3+ months (for example) is legit for "do I like this enough to keep doing it?" Since the calorie deficit is for the aesthetics, but the work out...
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    Meeting protein goals without dairy

    @ilovegod123 Heck yeah, I'll drop my faves: Kite Hill makes Greek yogurt in plain/vanilla flavors for 17g-18g per serving Silk has protein milk that's 10g per serving If you are near an Asian grocery, pressed tofu is 15g per 3oz Roasted edamame pulls 14g per serving Peanut butter powder is...
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    How many fats do I need in a day?

    @myfavoritepa Play around with grams and percentages and see what works for you. I tend to get hungry in the middle of the night when I eat less than 50g but macro proportion wise I'm usually 15%-30%
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    Do you have to have a structured workout routine to see results? Can I wing it every day and still experience the benefits of strength training?

    @mihai_1991 I mean, newbie gains are a real thing, so I say yes. Winging it is fine as long as you change your objective from " I need to look a certain way by doing this" to, "trying to find something I don't hate enough to do consistently" --- for me, I didn't care for weightlifting until I...
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    How has weight loss affected your bra size?

    @huk945 No effect. I suspect it's dense breast tissue and it's only coming off surgically. Lower bf% has also had zero impact.
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    What’s a feasible GW for 5’ 1”?

    @pete71 Thanks for posting this! It's a little easier to conceptualize the variability when it's folks closer to your height and age. I started at 5'0'' and 115lbs when I went back to lifting in April 2022. I started with 2x Squats + Bench with progressive overload being a goal. Then I creeped...
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    Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

    @laughter If they are already fit with lower body fat (bf) some folks need to up the protein more to build additional muscle. I agree though, I'd expect protein to be that number for a guy that weighs 130lbs with only some body fat. Women can usually get away with a little less grams protein per...
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    I hate working out

    @sriram I just came back last month after being off for 8 weeks. I hate how the body retains nothing when it comes to retaining soreness endurance and you got to sloooowly ramp back up, especially with age. 💀 I feel like the best starting point, tabling calories, tracking, metrics, performance...
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @vicolehurroughs I get that. Like skinny fat is a thing. But like, that high a percentage seems so scuffed to me. Good point about older folks being more typical for that kind of scan, considering muscle loss due to aging.
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @cedric48 Right? BMI doesn't even account for muscle like dexa is supposed to. There's no way you can be obese by dexa but not by BMI unless the dexa calibration is scuffed.
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    What is the end-goal of working on your chest as a woman?

    @kbhurst Chest stuff is also great for your shoulders and back, so it's a good way to counter desk job posture imo.
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    Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

    @dikaioumenoi If you don't hate peas, they have a surprising amount of protein in them!
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    Finally happy with my body and diet and I’m clinically overweight

    @judenshabbot Folks have already commented on the math, so I'll skip that. I'll add that the number for overweight used to be 27 and it was bumped down to 25 for reasons that don't really have any scientific support but then BMI isn't really scientific despite its use sooo shrug on that one...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    I also stopped when my stomach started looking a little bloated. I later learned that most bulks are 1-3 months, not 4-6 months like I did. I really enjoyed the first three months and the back half got monotonous and I hated needing to eat extra to keep from feeling hungry in the middle of the...
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    I hate working out

    @pompster2 This is probably the smallest but most impactful step to take. Exercise is always going to be punishment if it's not something you enjoy.
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @eheart77 I was surprised how long it took me to gain weight. I ate at similar rates as you during my bulk and my weight would go up 1-2 lbs each month. It kind of helped me be less nervous about weight gain when I saw how hard it was to do when active. I only got up to 3-4x per week (basically...
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    I hate working out

    @sabin Valid. If I tried to keep up with my 20s body in my 30s I'd bust something before I hit the 40s. 💀
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    Counting Calories

    @dersaemann That's totally realistic to drop it if it's stressful. Being too good at calorie counting can end up being a slippery slope into disordered thinking that messes with your relationship with food and creates worse problems down the line than just losing weight more slowly. It's a good...