Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

@dikaioumenoi you like yogurt? My go to snack for protein is mixing greek yogurt and protein powder with a little bit of milk so the texture isn't as thick. Roughly 200 - 300 cals, 40g protein.

Quest Cookies n Cream is my go to protein powder for this I'll enjoy that just as is, but I'll do vanilla sometimes and add berries, or chocolate and add things like peanut butter and banana or shredded coconut. Get creative with the mix ins! ✨
@dikaioumenoi If you’re in the US, “nutritionist” is a meaningless title. Some states require no training at all, so I could go apply apply to planet fitness tomorrow and call myself a sports nutritionist.

“(Registered) Dietician” is what you want to look for / listen to if you are looking for someone who is educated and certified to provide meal plans.
@dikaioumenoi IDK, that doesn't seem super necessary, especially if you're struggling to make it work. Based on Stronger by Science's research, the amount of protein typically recommended for athletes is 1.3-1.8 g per kg bodyweight, which would put you at 77-106 g per day. However, they note that this calculation underestimates the needs of smaller athletes, so their rule of thumb is starting at 120 g per day.

Definitely listen to the expert you're paying, but I would ask her if there's any flexibility with the amount of protein. Perhaps you can start with a lower amount and gradually work up to a higher amount?
@laughter If they are already fit with lower body fat (bf) some folks need to up the protein more to build additional muscle. I agree though, I'd expect protein to be that number for a guy that weighs 130lbs with only some body fat. Women can usually get away with a little less grams protein per lb because of our higher bf percentage.
@dikaioumenoi I eat a lot of vegetables and not many grains. I don’t go over 160-180 cals for a protein shake. For 300 cals, eat a bag of greens, a fruit, and get a serving of protein. Volume eating is the way to go.
@dikaioumenoi There’s also a Fairlife one that’s 150 cal and 30g of protein which tastes great! Can’t compare it to the 42g one but it’s a good lower calorie option if you want to leave more room for “real” food.
@dikaioumenoi You are eating too many processed foods = high calories. Eggs, and more lean protein and veggies are needed. Cut the rice from a daily meal plan, go for potato if you need something starchy- it’s lower cal.
@mohamad I’m Asian so I can’t give up rice I’m sorry😭 I used to eat so much more but I’ve cut it down to 1/2 cup rice hopefully I can it down more in the future 🥲

Ur right about the processed foods from the comments it seems like my protein hacks with using bars isn’t the most efficient
@dikaioumenoi I eat rice at almost every meal and hit 110g of protein at 1500 calories regularly. You don’t have to cut it out.

I think your problem is actually not enough high fiber veggies. Don’t get protein from shakes and bars, it doesn’t tend to actually be very efficient from a protein:satiety ratio tbh. My typical meal is 3-4oz of rice, 4-5oz of protein (chicken, salmon, bulked with egg whites), and then as much veggies as I need to fill my plate that looks satisfying. Veggies are normally frozen puravida primavera mix, steamed broccoli, cold cucumber salad or spinach salad or picco de gallo.