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    Lower/Upper/Off/Lower/Push/Pull/Off program based off of Helms' template

    @brendan3248 Looks well put together, and balanced. I like that you have some unilateral exercises for the biggest muscles groups, I think it is one of the factors that have kept my injury free in the long run. I would choose a percentage based approach to the main lifts (leg press, dumbbell...
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    Weekly Research In Review 9/7/19

    @great_depression Thanks for all the work, I have really enjoyed your weekly reviews!
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    Those running PHUL, U/L/P/P/L etc. What are you favourite isolation exercises for arms?

    @kennethe62 For triceps you should have some exercises to hit the lateral and medial head. My personally favourite would be the king of upper body movements the weighted dips. Dumbbell close neutral floor press have helped my with tricep power in the bench. One armed cable triceps extension...
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    Weekly Research in Review. 8/31/19

    @dj Maybe you should check out the requirements for the subjects in the meta study? Do they separate them based on age, experience etc.