Weekly Research In Review 9/7/19

Everything posted is pulled from what the top researchers in the community have shared this week on social media. Some studies you may be familiar with already and some are pretty recent.

Examine releases highly anticipated article and review of the Ketogenic diet based on the available research.

Keto was the most-Googled diet of 2018. It limits carb intake to under ~50 grams a day, and typically reduces appetite and intake of easy-to-overeat, hyperpalatable foods. However, most trials don't show a large weight loss advantage over higher carb diets, although individual results vary widely. Keto has therapeutic potential for a variety of health conditions. Stay tuned to this page, as 140+ trials are ongoing!

Because this is a bodybuilding subreddit, here are some bodybuilding related highlights from the article above.

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Eric Helms: In this study we assessed the differences in competition prep strategies between elite level natural pros, and natural amateur bodybuilders and noted the following differences

  • Professional bodybuilders diet for longer periods of time than amateur bodybuilders, and lose weight at a slower rate per week compared to amateur bodybuilders
  • Considering the aforementioned professional bodybuilders have a higher relative energy availability compared to amateur bodybuilders
  • Professionals typically consume more carbohydrate than amateur bodybuilders while preparing for competitions, both professionals and amateurs follow a high protein diet
  • The higher energy diet and slower rates of weight loss likely contribute to greater muscle retention while in a calorie deficit
  • These findings are consistent with previous findings investigating the strategies of successful amateurs compared to less successful lead by Chappell and colleagues.

New Omega-3 research: The Influence of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover in Health, Disuse, and Disease

In summary, the available evidence would suggest that omega-3 fatty acid intake has the potential to enhance skeletal muscle anabolism, but the magnitude of the effect may be dependent upon a number of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, the daily dose of protein intake, measurement technique, as well as age and metabolic status of participants. One particular area of promise is the potential for omega-3 fatty acids to counteract muscle atrophy, and promote recovery, from periods of muscle-disuse induced by surgery and subsequent bedrest/inactivity. However, before firm conclusions can be drawn as to the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid intake on musculoskeletal health and subsequent translation to the clinical setting there remains many unanswered questions that require experimental attention.

Stuart Phillips: More null results for HMB. NO Health Benefits of "β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate" (HMB) Supplementation in Addition to Physical Exercise in Older Adults: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

For those that don't know:

HMB is an active metabolite of leucine that reduces muscle protein breakdown. It appears to have an anti-catabolic role for muscle, but fails to be more effective than its parent amino acid for inducing muscle protein synthesis. [.]

Layne Norton: Why is fat regain so easy after fat loss?

Many of us are familiar with the statistics. The majority of people who lose weight put it back on and many people end up adding even more. But why? Why is sustained weight loss so difficult? ⁣

This figure breaks quite a bit of it down. When you diet, you create an ‘energy gap’ as described by MacLean et al. Part of the metabolic adaptation response is to ‘overreact’ to dieting as the body reacts to it much like controlled starvation. The energy flux across the fat cell is reduced due to the caloric deficit. ⁣

As a result of this decreased flux the adipose cells signal to the body that there is less fuel and less energy reserves than there really are. This results in a massive decrease in the hormone leptin. ⁣

Leptin is a hormone that regulates appetite and energy expenditure. It’s produced by the fat cells and ‘talks’ to the brain, delivering information about energy availability in fat cells. When you diet leptin drops fat disproportionately to the amount of fat you lose. This signals to the brain that there is a big energy gap, increasing hunger levels and decreasing energy expenditure. ⁣

This also signals the brain to reduce its sensitivity to satiety signals. Many of you have experienced this effect post diet where you continue you ravenously eat well past the point of physical fullness. ⁣

All of these changes create a unique environment for rapid fat regain if left unchecked. This is why we really emphasize dieting in a sustainable manner and then planning your exit strategy from the diet appropriately. We spend several chapters of Fat Loss Forever (link in bio) discussing these very topics. If you fail to plan your maintenance for lost weight then you will fail to maintain it. ⁣

Brad Schoenfeld: There is evidence that supraphysiological antioxidant supplementation may have detrimental effects on muscle-building.

It is well-established that chronically high levels of free radicals can be detrimental to health and well-being. Given that antioxidants counteract free radicals, this has led to speculation that consuming supraphysiological doses of antioxidants in the form of supplements may help to stave off diseases. Although evidence remains somewhat equivocal, current research generally doesn't support the practice from a health standpoint. ⁣

There is evidence that supraphysiological antioxidant supplementation may have detrimental effects on muscle-building. Here's the issue. Exercise causes an acute increase in free radicals post-workout, which have been shown to play a role in anabolic signaling. Indeed, a number of studies have shown blunted muscular adaptations when resistance training is combined with long-term consumption of antioxidant cocktails (generally Vitamins C and E). Thus, while chronically high levels of free radicals are detrimental, their acute post-workout increase appears to be important to maximizing hypertrophy.⁣

Bottom line: Consume fruits and veggies as a regular component of your diet. They contain copious amounts of antioxidants that will benefit health and wellness -- and it's virtually impossible to overconsume them to the point that they would have a negative impact on muscle growth.

Brad Schoenfeld shares thoughts on L-Citruline Malate

Adam Virgile: The Healthiest Snack You've Never Tried

Jozo Grgic: "We found multiple instances of authors overstating conclusions beyond what the data would support if statistical significance had been considered"

In statistical hypothesis testing, the p-value or probability value is, for a given statistical model, the probability that, when the null hypothesis is true, the statistical summary would be equal to, or more extreme than, the actual observed results.