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  1. F

    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @johnevans Ahh thank you this is great advice, I’ve never heard to think about pushing my chest forward, I’ll give it a try asap
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @jam_allday I’m still trying to figure that out too lol definitely going to start working on shoulder mobility soon
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @petersuang Awesome to hear! Motivating to know someone has done it in less than a year
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @pastafarianismftw Thank you for the compliment! I think I owe it to snowboarding and skateboarding to be honest haha
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @a87 Thank you, i can tell you really know what you’re talking about and I want to let you know I appreciate this type of advice, I’m going to work on building a true routine within the next few weeks but since I’m so new I’m currently having so much fun just trying all these different skills...
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @jojofromrichmond Oh those look awesome I’ll definitely try those, look like they’d be good for lower back too!
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @syderic Ahhh that’s a phenomenal idea! I’ve always wanted to give those a serious try! I’ll give ‘em a try next time I’m at the gym and see how I like them, seems fun
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @pasen88 I used to love front squats, I actually hit max of probably around 350lb front squat back in the day, I know what you mean by them being more technical, I’m just trying to stay out of the weight room as much as possible for now haha. Thanks for the tip tho it’s good advice!
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @zaulux Good point, I sometimes use dumbbells for straight arm exercises, Maybe I’ll add in some weighted leg stuff in the future after but doesn’t really sound fun to me right now haha
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    Definitely seems like 6 month planche might be impossible from the comments on my first post so I decided to take a take a wider approach to Calisthenics, but with planche still being the main goal as I’d still like to do it in a year. Trying to find a more reasonable planche progression goal...