[UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol


New member
Definitely seems like 6 month planche might be impossible from the comments on my first post so I decided to take a take a wider approach to Calisthenics, but with planche still being the main goal as I’d still like to do it in a year. Trying to find a more reasonable planche progression goal for the next few months

Anyways a few people asked for updates and I could use some constructive criticism so figured I’d show my current skills at almost 3 weeks in! I took the last 2 days mostly off to give my wrists and tendons a solid break even though they feel great

Almost got my first handstand push-up Here was one of my first try’s for a handstand-push-up on the paralettes I got 3 days ago, Im gonna start working negatives

I’m getting a lot more comfortable with handstands I’ll add video of how I work them. I just do close to failure set like 3-4 times, might go for a minute hold next time, any help on my handstand form/workout would be helpful

Still don’t really know how to work my hammys effectively with body weight so any hard/fun exercises would be super helpful but definitely not my main focus rn, here’s a current showcase of some fun leg exercises

hspu, handstand, leg exercises

Anyways if anyone finds this interesting and would like more updates I’d definitely do it, still very new to body weight stuff but having a total blast, next update would probably be on L sits or tuck planche
@zaulux Good point, I sometimes use dumbbells for straight arm exercises, Maybe I’ll add in some weighted leg stuff in the future after but doesn’t really sound fun to me right now haha
@follower_of_god You could try front squats,

while its not really more technical than a proper back squat it sure feels like it

the mobility restraints of palm hold + feeling of trying to perfect it so that you go straight up and down (needs wl shoes tho) makes it feel like you are doing a skill rather than a big overloading exercise.
@pasen88 I used to love front squats, I actually hit max of probably around 350lb front squat back in the day, I know what you mean by them being more technical, I’m just trying to stay out of the weight room as much as possible for now haha. Thanks for the tip tho it’s good advice!
@follower_of_god Yeah man, I would recommend kettlebell swings for the hams. My gym doesn’t have a barbell for deadlifts, but with a 50 lbs dumbbell or two 30 lbs dumbbells, the exercise has been plenty to rock my legs.
@syderic Ahhh that’s a phenomenal idea! I’ve always wanted to give those a serious try! I’ll give ‘em a try next time I’m at the gym and see how I like them, seems fun
@follower_of_god Make sure you watch some technique vids if you haven't tried them before. I don't think they are too hard to learn but everytime I see someone in the gym do them they usually squat instead of hinge and/or use their arms instead of their hips.
@follower_of_god Write down your entire training routine, you'll get better suggestions that way.

I really hate how fast you got that handstand hold. Just kidding, that's really good for a newbie handbalancer. Since you can do a 30s hold, now is the time to train smart. Don't do max holds, but read and apply this (go to isometric section). Basically, do more sets of 15-20 seconds and start working on shoulder mobility because your handstand is a banana. Start from this test and if you can't do it properly do some of the exercises from the linked list. If you actually do have a good flexion then you just need to make a conscious effort to practice the holds with a hollow back.

Your HSPU suffers from the same problem, but I'm sure it will come in no time with proper form. There are different ways to train it, but I think you might like this tutorial cause it's fun (@lovinggodlovingpeople, just curious if there's anything you'd add or remove from the program if you wrote it today?). Since you're ahead of the curve, just try the exercises from the tutorial and pick those that you're not good at. I suspect that your strength level is almost there, but you need some stability and body awareness.

Planche.. well, that's a whole new topic.

edit: I forgot to tell you the last time you asked - try doing l-sits on the floor. That's a good test to check if you're cheating.
@a87 Thank you, i can tell you really know what you’re talking about and I want to let you know I appreciate this type of advice,

I’m going to work on building a true routine within the next few weeks but since I’m so new I’m currently having so much fun just trying all these different skills and see which ones I can/can’t do, and which ones I’m close to. Definitely far from organized but don’t want to put a plan together too early while I’m still experimenting. In terms of shoulder mobility that is great advice, I will look into it as I’m sure my shoulder mobility isn’t as good as it could be, I definitely have banana handstands, they were hilariously banana’d when I started. HSPU was fun to do and I want to get more into it so I’ll put on that video when I try more tomorrow! Next time my abs are fresh I’m gonna get floor L-sits a try and see how long I can get, L sits are a progression that I’m feeling very fast progress in, 2 weeks ago I couldn’t even think about a floor sit