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    Tuck L-sit made me climax??

    @nadeem Feature not a bug situation.
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    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @ichthymom Wow I easily go over that with a soy milk at breakfast and tofu at dinner.
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    Don’t be me and go 20+ years as a vegetarian before discovering …

    @eloquentspeaker14 Soy curl fajitas are the bomb
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    When I run on the treadmill I am dying after just half a mile. How can I make myself go longer?

    @thisisme123 Zone 2, run barely a jog, talking like do like 4 to 4.5 mph and just jog as long as you can. This did wonders for building up my cardio.