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    Muscles looking more defined but weight is the same?

    @sarahz You are dong body recomposition which is good. You can take measurements to estimate your bodyfat%. It is not perfectly accurate, but serial measurements are helpful to track your trend. What is your goal? If it's to get stronger and gain muscle, I would stay the course, since you are...
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    RANT: I look worse than I did before at this weight

    @joyce65714 Keep up lifting and I am sure you will eventually look much better.
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    Q: How to get over a thought "I wanted to start earlier, but didn't"?

    @angelina70 Realize that for me, my progress plateaued after about 2-3 years. Nobody will be able to gain .5-2 pounds of muscle every month for the next 20 years. So after working out for about 2-3 years you will reach where you would have been 5 years earlier. TLDR; with consistent workouts...
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    Wrist strap for nerve damage?

    @temre You can try wrist straps and wrist hooks. Some may be better for certain exercises.
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    Is it ok if i workout 3 times a week, but it's not consistent for the days i workout

    @taylors This is fine as long as you decide your splits so you don't overwork a Boyd part on the Saturday/Sunday weeks. Especially when it seems that you will do many Saturday, Sunday, Mondays days.
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    100lbs obese, where to start?

    @gorgeousguy1976 If you did PPL and liked it, just resume it. Start at lower weights (maybe your old warmup weights), then after 1-2 weeks, slowly increase as tolerated.
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    Gym Anxiety

    @goddreamer0715 Be strong and do it. Gym regulars don't care. They are in their own little world. Also watch your diet since that is a bigger factor in weight loss.
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    Recurring weak serratus anterior

    @johng1968 If doing serratus anterior pushups fixes it, continue that. I do bench press plus with my warm up weight of 135 pounds. So I work it out at least 4 sets/week. Any muscle gets weaker if you don't work it out. And bench press with higher weights (because keep my shoulder blades...
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    How to gain muscle while losing fat (skinny fat)

    @dcarrera This is the best answer.
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    beginner w!!

    @janedoe7 👍
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    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads If you just started, after 2-3 weeks, your body will start getting used to it. But if you are hurting yourself or pulling a muscle, let the PT know.
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    Aggressive cut at 16?

    @joycekil Not sure if it will affect your final height. But why the rush? You can do it slower.
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    Cutting weight for the long run: asking from a different perspective

    @blueskies88 I think it is faster and easier to keep your weight and build muscle. I was able to gain muscle when my bf% was 15-20%. Once I hit 15%, I wasn't able to gain much muscle. So I am trying to eat more to increase my bf%. Once you gain muscle, then you can cut to see how you are doing.
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    Can I do 1/2 leg exercises a day instead of a whole day dedicated?

    @jewels77 If you love the gym, you can still do other things the other days. Maybe work on things many overlook, like calves, forearms, etc. But look at the big picture. If there's is a skill or other things you can do to improve yourself (homework, study for certificates or degrees, or a...
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    Can I do 1/2 leg exercises a day instead of a whole day dedicated?

    @jewels77 It seems with this , you will give more priority to legs since you are always doing legs first, and because of some overlap in muscles worked, some muscles may be worked out 4 days a week (hopefully you don't overwork them and still make gains. )
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    4.5 L water too much?

    @deborah555 I tried drinking at least 2 liters a day for a week. I ended up going to the bathroom way too often. I am happy at 1-2 liters/day, depending on how much I exercise.
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    My New Diet. Hope to lose 14 lbs, and keep it off. 🤞

    @whigg I second the vegetables and protein meals with intermittent fasting. Add back carbs when I want to gain weight.
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    For the life of me I can’t retract my left scapula

    @rachelm2535 I get confused by your terminology since serratus anterior causes scapula protraction. But you use the term scapular retraction. Scapular retraction is the action of the middle/lower traps and rhomboids. Which action do you want to work on?
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    Biceps growing trouble

    @grasshopper66 No solution but o have the same issue. Worked out for over 30 years and my biceps have always lagged. I recently sorta got my wish to getting arms to almost 15 inches in 3 weeks after watching a YouTube video. By working. On my triceps a didn't way. Biceps didn't change. Now my...
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    Help understanding progressive overload

    @mayacruz1708 Thanks for the video. Very informative.