Q: Metatarsal pain from running. What to do instead?


New member
Good day! I need some help from folks more experienced than I. I began my first successful fitness journey about a year ago. I've dropped a significant amount of weight and have met and exceeded a lot of my fitness goals. One of those was working back to a 7.5 minute mile (what I ran in high school).

That's when I ran into issues. I got up to a 9 minute mile and then I started to experience metatarsal pain on the top of my right foot. Not exactly why the cause is, but I've taken a solid week off from running and tried a slow mile just now and the pain came back. Is there something else I can do for cardio that won't further irritate this area? I've thought about an elliptical but I thought I would seek advice from folks more experienced than me.
@eileendover Short answer, no I haven't. I've taken time off and it did get better but after today, I'm convinced it's worth making an appointment. You're right that I should eliminate the possibility of anything serious.
@cuja1 I think I have the same pain based on what you describe. Check your shoes, make sure they aren't too tight and that they are properly fitted and being rested between runs. Icing the area after your runs also helps me.

Edit: Mine is tendinitis. I believe resting 6-8 weeks is recommended, but as another comment said, see a doctor to be sure.

Edit again (because I misread your question): I row instead. Great cardio, no pressure on the area.
@cuja1 Podiatry student here! Based off your limited description, it sounds like you might be dealing with a stress fracture. Worth a trip to your friendly neighborhood podiatrist!
@haileysmom I've set up an appointment. It's really important to me to make sure I haven't done anything serious to myself. If I had a stress fracture, would that result in swelling and tenderness on the surface? Right now, there's no swelling and the pain is a dull soreness, not sharp.
@cuja1 Tough to say through the interwebs, so definitely a good idea making that appointment! Good luck and I hope they get you back to training soon!
@cuja1 Since you go to a small rural gym, look at your options which are low impact. Recumbent bicycle and rowing machine may be the best choice. Next would be elliptical and stationary bicycle. Next would be treadmill.
@cuja1 I was having severe pain top of my left foot. Even walking regular hurt, turns out it was my shoes. changed and pain went away. I had been massaging top and bottom of my foot daily just to cope
@meginomai That's a really good point. Plan is to see a running shop in town and have them do a gait assessment and get my fitted for some good shoes.