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  1. B

    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @danielkibby Stop being so sensitive they’re probably just making conversation. If anything use it as motivation to work harder and make obvious progress
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @faithfulmommy1821 You’re used to two leg days but you usually skip one of them? So you’re used to one leg day is what it sounds like. This whole workout is kinda silly and half ass thrown together.
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    Forearm Training

    @bastionhd If you’re only doing 6 exercises on arm and shoulder day you have more than enough time and energy left in the tank to add forearms to that day. Or you can incorporate them into your back day since a lot of back workouts done with poor form end up being forearms workouts.
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    Forearm Training

    @bastionhd If your forearms are burning out during back exercises you must have shit form. Acquire some lifting straps or fix your form and you won’t have that issue.