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  1. I

    Rhonda Rousey: her weigh-in weight vs her fight weight - a visual (x-post r/pics)

    @love2fly this very thing is why weigh-ins for fights were moved to the day before - to give fighters time to rehydrate before a fight which they were struggling to do in the short time there had been between weigh-in and fight which used to be only a few hours. its was considered too dangerous...
  2. I

    Rhonda Rousey: her weigh-in weight vs her fight weight - a visual (x-post r/pics)

    @dawn16 actually not the only reason. it was intitially done because fighters weren't recovering in enough time before the fight when it was done only hours before. fighters were becoming severely ill or even dying because they couldn't rehydrate enough and so, for safety concerns the weigh-in...
  3. I

    Rhonda Rousey: her weigh-in weight vs her fight weight - a visual (x-post r/pics)

    @dawn16 It did actually use to be that way, that weigh-in was pre-fight but then it was determined to be dangerous - that fighters were cutting and dehydrating themselves so much that in the short time before the fight, they couldn't rehydrate properly and becoming seriously ill or die...