Rhonda Rousey: her weigh-in weight vs her fight weight - a visual (x-post r/pics)


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While the fight weight photo is not the photo taken 24 hours after the weigh-in, the recording from the fight itself clearly shows that her weigh-in body was not her fighting body. I know /r/xxfitness was filled with chatter about how she looked during that weigh-in but it's a physique that cannot be maintained indefinitely. Even she admits that while she can drop to 135 for weigh-ins, she's most comfortable fighting 15 pounds heavier.

Just putting things in perspective.
@jduck1986 Ive been watching Fight Girls with Gina Carano and they did an episode where one of the fighters had to drop weight (13 lbs) in less than a week and it Was so brutal. She was on protein mix with just water for like 3 days and then no water for 12 hours before the weigh in. She looked great, but could barely stay awake she was so dehydrated and exhausted.
@jduck1986 Yes, and I read somewhere that she says she refused to do the Sports Illustrated spread at her weigh-in weight; she wanted it to be of her everyday walking weight, which I respect.
@jduck1986 I saw in an interview that as soon as she gets out of weigh in, she starts getting in on all the food she can before the fight and after.

It sucks for her to be in the weight class she's in because she has to cut so much.
@jduck1986 I don't understand weigh-ins.

Well, I mean, I get that you want to make sure that people are fighting people who are in the same weight class. That part makes sense.

But I don't understand why fighters have to do uber cuts and dehydrate and shit just for a weigh-in. And that goes for both genders, not just the lady fighters.

Can't there be some other system to make sure fighting partners are appropriately equal without something like this?
@dawn16 It did actually use to be that way, that weigh-in was pre-fight but then it was determined to be dangerous - that fighters were cutting and dehydrating themselves so much that in the short time before the fight, they couldn't rehydrate properly and becoming seriously ill or die. inititally the weigh-in was moved to the day before the fight to give the fighter more time to rehydrate and recover from cutting but its just made things worse to some degree
@vidula What would be fairer? It's necessary to have weight classes. If you choose the weight class you walk at, you face a disadvantage when fighting an opponent who cuts to fight at your weight class because they will weight 10-20 pounds more than you do at your walking-around weight.

Everyone does it because nobody wants to be at a disadvantage fighting someone a lot bigger.

They could do weigh-ins on the night of the fight, but the reason they don't is to make sure they have sufficient time in case someone doesn't make weight to replace them.
@hammertime33 What you're saying makes sense, and I have no idea what would be fairer. Cutting for weigh-ins just always seemed really strange to me. I get that there's no way around it, though.
@jduck1986 I'm a freestyle wrestler and this is pretty common. I've cut 13lbs in 4 days and have nearly all of it back within 24 hours.

It's all water weight and sucks but it makes the difference
@lauriane13 Well leading up to it is low carb,high protein, high fat, low sodium diet. This well keep me fueled but will make it easy to shed water. I also get super hydrated about 5days out, like 5L,then each day 1L less.

Then those last 72 hours workouts may include layers of clothes. When it comes to the last 24-48 hours, my workouts are with the purpose to conserve energy and sweat as much as possible. So I may do cardio for 10 minutes then sit for 5 because I'll still be sweating. But won't sit so long I stop sweating; the hardest part is to start the sweat. I can lose 4 lb doing cardio for an hour in a windbreaker type jacket and pants with a sweatshirt over that. Saunas help to because they take no energy, just a lot of mental toughness and a buddy to keep you safe and sane.

My biggest thing about a weight cut is not starting too soon and stay hydrated prior to those last 72 hours. I have to remind myself all the weight comes from water and I have to keep eating. Yeah if I skip lunch I'll be a pound or two lighter before practice, but practice is going to be worthless because I have no energy.

With most of my freestyle tournaments I have weigh ins 12-24 hours before I wrestler so it's at least enough time to eat, sleepy, eat, drink as much water as possible, then warm up which is all I need to be ready for my matches.
@dawn16 Thanks for the thorough detail - are you saying that those last 72 hours, when your focus is on working and sweating it out, you don't drink any water at all?