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  1. W

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    @pooterlaws It's not a hard ceiling mind you. It's a rough guideline, everything is individualized. There are individuals for whom even 5 sets a day is optimal volume to grow, and some for whom even 20 sets wouldn't cause significant hypertrophy (ofcourse both of these are outliers). You have...
  2. W

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    @devotedbaker54 Performing pressing movements for chest would provide enough stimulus for the front delt for most of the people, and that's why it's a strong point for most. Also, the lateral and front delt have very similar leverages in an overhead pressing movement, thus you can treat your...
  3. W

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    @pooterlaws Energy is not the correct term here. You don't wanna be out of breath if that's what you mean. Partials is True Local Muscular Failure, since failure means that you can basically not move the load anymore. People generally confuse RIR 0 to Failure. They're not the same
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    @pooterlaws Yes. Correct If you really push them hard, you'll be dying every set and taking a long time to recover between sets, but that's a good thing. For example, when you push to failure on cable flies/presses, you'll start losing full ROM after that last rep, push this to failure too...
  5. W

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    @pooterlaws 2 sets of incline and 2 sets of cable flies is more than enough, you don't really have to perform flat bench since the costal (lower) and sternal (mid) pec fibers have similar leverages. You can choose to perform flat bench on another day and pair that with a pec dec, or even a...
  6. W

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    @pooterlaws 3-4 sets of Chest, 2-4 sets of triceps and 2-3 sets for delts. That would amount to something like 7-11 sets total per session.
  7. W

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    @pooterlaws 12 sets is nearing the upper limit btw. I'd challenge you to perform more than 6 sets of heavy, failure sets for a muscle group in one session and still be able to perform anywhere near your peak performance for the next sets. A good marker for identifying junk volume is when...
  8. W

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    @pooterlaws Microcyle is generally a week, but some people have longer durations (8-9 days). Failure training is extremely hard and difficult, make sure you're actually failing, 24 rep failure is mostly because of metabolite accumulation (the burning sensation) and not true local muscluar...
  9. W

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    @pooterlaws For the love of god. That volume is insane. Please start from somewhere between 5-12 weekly sets (per microcyle) of DIRECT volume for muscles. Start from the bottom end and assess how you recover, depending on that you can increase or decrease. I'm assuming you're aiming for...