Rate my workout

@pooterlaws It's not a hard ceiling mind you.
It's a rough guideline, everything is individualized.
There are individuals for whom even 5 sets a day is optimal volume to grow, and some for whom even 20 sets wouldn't cause significant hypertrophy (ofcourse both of these are outliers).

You have to figure out for yourself what's the range for you.

But if you really train with intent and push to ACTUAL failure (this will have you almost passing out on compound movements) you DO NOT need high volume to grow, infact it'll do the opposite and actually lead to muscle atrophy
@pooterlaws You seriously need to rebuild your entire workout or change your coach . The exercise order is also really bad like you are not supposed to do your tricep exercises before your chest and shoulder . Here's a simple workout program

Day 1: Push day
- Incline db press x3
- Machine or cable chest flies x3
- db lateral raises x3
- Db rear delt flies x3
- Rope tricep pushdown x2
- Single arm overhead tricep extension x2

Day 2: Pull day
- Lat pulldown x3
- Underhand barbell rows x3
- Single arm db rows x2
- Alternating db bicep curls x3
- Hammer curls x3

Day 3 : Leg day
- Squats
- leg extensions
- Hamstring curls
- Calf raises
@dawn16 I made the exercise selection myself as the coaches don’t offer much advice without making them a personal trainer. I am currently bulking at 3000 calories and I’m 5.8. I wanna train for hypertrophy and gain muscle in 6 month time frame, will the workout you mentioned above help me and can I do this split 5 days a week?
@pooterlaws Yea it's a good split which is hypertrophy focused . If you want you can skip the 2nd leg day and train them only once a week if you want a 5 day split
@dawn16 Gotcha but one more thing that’s bugging is my prev workout schedule, can you explain to me in detail what was really wrong in my prev exercise schedule cuz I thought I picked the best compound movements, I got criticism that the volume was too much but that was about it really.
@pooterlaws First of all you are not supposed to start your push or pull day with tricep or bicep exercise . Also doing too many sets of exercises front raises is useless and would hinder your recovery .