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  1. K

    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @johnhenrygroenewald yeah that’s totally it! They see it as forcing myself to do something I hate, I think. I am going to try to express more how much I enjoy it from now on. Funny bc I’ve watched like, all of Netflix, and no one says I’m obsessed haha. And yeah, at the end, not my problem :D...
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    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @gudjen I turned 27 this year but two of my roommates are still in their early 20s and uni students. there’s quite a gap there, not just age wise but also in our routines and lifestyle. I feel quite disconnected from them all, even from the other roommate that’s the same age as me and I 100%...
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    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @hunor999 Not really! We’re just roommates, we do hang out when we’re all at home but nothing too crazy. they’re more friendly acquaintances than anything. I wanted to see it as them trying to make healthy banter, but the “serious addiction” comment still felt out of place.
  4. K

    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @psalm6819 Thanks for the comment! I realize my post might have made me sound like I don’t have a social life just because I pointed out I didn’t go out on a Friday night, but really that’s not the case :’) I do believe I have a great, healthy social life - I probably meet up with friends 3 to...
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    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @thegodinme Yeah honestly what bugs me is that I used to have way worse “hobbies” (heavy drinking being one of them) to cope with anxiety and no one batted an eye. People only started making comments when I developed healthy habits that don’t even interfere with me socializing.
  6. K

    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @iampammie Thats such a mature approach! I gotta remind this and apply it for all aspects in life tbh.
  7. K

    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    Okay so, they’re seriously saying I have an unhealthy addiction with the gym, and it’s reaching a point where I’m embarrassed to say I’m going to workout if they ask me what are my plans for X day. I genuinely don’t believe I am because I respect my rest days. Yesterday for example I had a...
  8. K

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @oldfield Oh the marathon actually has the option to do 10k which was the original idea. But even that I see difficult right now, so if I sign up, I will probably be walking half of it haha. My “real” goal is 5k and I’m aware that will take me a few months! I will look up various programs and...
  9. K

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    Hi all! Recently I've (29F) been trying to "reset" my workouts as I haven't been very motivated due to big life changes (work, moving...). I've always tried to do a mix of strength training at home, cardio (dance and HIIT) and yoga. However I've been kinda bored recently and I've been trying to...