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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @snowbrush Oooh I’ll check it out thanks !
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @snowbrush I know sleep is definitely an area I could improve Upon! 😵‍💫 do you have any recommendations for creatine brands ? Hopefully nothing too expensive 🙏
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @dawn16 The deadlift and bench press are my 1 rep max and I haven’t tested my 1 rep max for a squat in a while so I just gave the numbers I did yesterday and I did not include warmup reps Edit: I realized I misunderstood your question lol from my understanding you’re supposed to do the weight...
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @saucyspicey14 Hmmm okay my current program has a current heavy lift day where I do 3 sets for 5 reps maybe I’ll just increase that to 5 sets ?
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @areaboy The current program I’m following is called swole and strong by Mike hildebrandt from the BodyBuilding app
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @everlastinggift You’re right the only valid competitor is me myself And I 💪🏻!
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    @olirain I’ve basically just been picking programs from the bodybuilding app and following their strength programs
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    Ways to increase strength safely but quickly ? Am I being too hard on myself?

    Hello, I started lifting w regularity about 3 years ago. At the time I was a true beginner and couldn’t even squat 65 without pain or bad form. Now my form has been perfected but my PR is 160 for 5. I try to tell myself progress is progress but I can’t help feeling like I should be able to do...