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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal You do you. But with that amount of muscle mass abs will just make you a skinny guy with abs.
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @tp243 Its not unheard of. You just havent seen genetic freaks before and you also dont know his physical activity background before training.
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal The real question is though why are you cutting at that weight?
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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @guaguar The reason it takes so long long is because they like being at the gym. Unless you are gunning for a 1RM you never need more than 5 min rest in training between sets. So you could do 36 sets in 3 hours. A standard high volume powerlifting workout is usually 12-15 sets and 15 sets...
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal It you feel hungry you might be holding water due to diet fatigue.
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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @guaguar The true difference isnt going to be time in reality though. The 20% is going to be fatigue management, nutrition and sleep etc. And maybe 9 hours in total.
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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @guaguar 20% is a massive amount of results though. Its the difference between a 300 kg deadlift and a 240 kg one or a 180 kg and a 140 kg bench.
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    High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

    @kendraw Youve functionally overreached. Deload for 1 if not to weeks asap.
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    What’s your experience eating far below calories for a small period of time?

    @austinsugden For a show maybe, probably still on the low end. For the beach? Defenitly not.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @musingsinscripture Experience and testing. Since it change as you get stronger and life variables change. Lets say you train quad twice a week. Do some amount of training for quads. Then when you arent sore anymore and is ready to repeat or beat last weeks performance train again. You...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @cheung The hardest part is the eating and sleeping. You should hit each muscle 1) at least twice a week 2) when it is recovered. This mean likely twice for things as quads and closer to 4 for things like side delts.
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @constantine1946 Yes you can reduce injury risk a lot if you manage load, volume, intensity and fatigue well.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @trumpeter2 You are right training to much is stupid. But training is not a problem if you dont just wing and monkey your workouts.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @dorsetanglican97 1) Frequency is very good for strength. All these people are peopld where skill practice is important. If you want to be really good at something defenitly practice a lot. I would have to look up the refs in Mikes book to give your scources for minimum effective volume. But I...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @dorsetanglican97 As fast as possible is not relevant for novices. 1) 10 random sets wont help you if you are traind. You would have to warm up each time etc. When you get better the stimuli will have to be of larger magnitude. Its the whole marathon runner debate again. 2) you are right you...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @dorsetanglican97 1) there is a minimal effective volume. Something like 2 sets might be less than that. 2) it is more fatiguing to spread the work as you dont get as much complete rest and the sfr will generally be better later in a workout. This is also why you usually do things like...
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    Is hitting a muscle group once every 7 days regarded as a "faulty" way to train?

    @sunflower39 The is a correlation between high quality volume and gains. 1 time a week frequency eill usually allow less of that unless you are really strong. So if you squat 180kg*10 training quads hard once a week might be enough and even optimal in some cases. While lateral raises can maybe...
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @leyanis Oh they can be natty. They just likely didnt get jacked while running a lot.
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @petr0s 2 pounds pr week is within the recommendations for someone at your weight.
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    What do you think about my Upper Body routines?

    @unity14 Your probably using to many exercises. There is also no reason to do shoulder press.