@wmsgil Maybe it's time to create a custom workout plan tailored to what works for you? Do you think you're knowledgeable enough yet to do that? You've been training a while, you might be able to give it a stab.
You mentioned being a recovering volume junkie, given that you take everything to 0-1 RIR, you definitely can run into recovery issues on higher volume.
Because of that intensity, I also personally recommend against 6 day frequency if you're doing that.
If you don't, given the way you train, I recommend longer rests between sets (3 mins is a good point to hit) and lower-mid volume. Start on the lower end, say 4-8 sets per muscle per week, and increase in small increments if you're not progressively getting stronger.
Just some general basic tips in case you're missing these:
Focus on movements that have strength curves that are hardest at the bottom (DB Fly being an extreme example) and really milk the eccentric on these. Try sticking to 8-12 reps on most lifts, a bit lower and somewhat higher for certain lifts is 100% okay, but 8-12 is a great safe range that works for 90% of exercises (bent rows and lateral raises I'd def go higher, squats/dls I'd do 6-8 personally).
As a final note, this isn't something I can personally say works for me, but: some people who were more advanced have told me they really benefit from steeper bulks. I've always lean bulked and never had issues, but you could try a steeper bulk. That's a last resort to me though, lol.