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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @cristo There are timer scripts and ready codes available. But since I wanted the Google sheets to be shareable without requiring any special access to Google Drive it was left out. I wouldn't recommend anyone downloading sheets with scripts in them unless they are from trusted source. And still...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @yoyo23 Use the same column twice so that you split it. Each day has 12 slots so you have 6 slots for the 1st workout and use the remaining 6 slots for the 2nd workout. So for example: Day 1&4 push: Chest Shoulders Chest Triceps Triceps (then repeat the same below in the planning sheet or...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    @leer0y Fixed. Copy & paste bug in the template.
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @eberzas The sheets does not directly support adding sets. Now its 50% of the planned volume for the week1 and 100% for the rest. I would just log more sets manually for example 3 -> 4 -> 5 And if I needed more volume for the same exercise I would use the next row like this for example: Group...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    @megchristian There are some limitations since it is a Google Sheets file. But the general idea would be to keep the same exercises through the training block. Once you are done with 5 to 12 weeks of training you would then review your progress and switch the exercises where you have reached...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @spiderkiller007 Definately. Those routines should be able to guide you for a long time. Pick a routine that suites your weekly schedule and then select the exercises according to you level. See the GUIDE links for help. They have all the information you need.
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @boundbygrace You can add custom exercises to the exercise list page so you can plan a bodyweight+resistance band routine if you want. Use the Customizable empty template Or select the 2-day...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    @daveris Great! The colors are there so you can quickly find where you are making progress and where you are stuck. Also the chart on the bottom of the tracking sheet helps to visualize your performance on each exercise.
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @harryridwick There is 12slots for each workout day in the planning tool. So depending on how many exercises you do you could split the single day log in half. Then you would get 8 separate slots for tracking. For the fullbody , core/legs , push , pull , legs I did an example where pull and...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @harryridwick Bodypart splits usually give a 1x week frequency. Upper/lower 4x week gives 2x frequency for each muscle group. Weekly number of sets should be somewhere in the safe zone with 8-12sets per bodypart. Going above this might be too much for most.
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    @noita Proper number of weekly sets depends on many parameters. More is usually better but there are some practical limits which are related to intensity, time and recovery. Most of the popular weight lifting routines use about 8-12 sets for main muscle groups since this is a sweet spot for most...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @asjoe I would select a program based on lifestyle. Lets say you want to train 4 days a week but in a long run you are able to workout only 3 days a week consistently (skipping leg days due to work, study etc.). You would had been better off selecting that 3 day routine instead of 4 day routine...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    @cristo That is a great tip for anyone doing static holds! Remember to deload every 6-12 weeks depending on the program and your recovery. But if you now start with a new sheet you will get the deload/ramp-up week so you should be fresh when you start a new training block. I've been a bit...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @hollowbodyblues Bodyweight strength training is great for that. Basically you can run any weights program as long as you select exercises that produce a similar movement pattern and load. (not to include barbell only specific movements such as heavy squats, deadlifts and olympic lifts etc.)...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @asmodea If you are training with lower reps lets say in the range of 4-10reps its good to leave a few reps in the tank on the first and second set. Third set is usually all out effort like 8 reps, 7reps and 7 reps. If you are working with lighter weights and higher rep range 12-20reps for...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    @jennyvt Sure! Check out the section "How to add custom exercises" from how to use guide: Then just add your own barbell, dumbbell, resistance band etc. exercises to the list and select it from the dropdown menu...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @yager There is some basic too for meal planning. Read the article here it has pretty much all you need to know with free meal plans: You can copy the meal plan sheets to your own drive. They work well for meal...
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

    @obolixterix Great! You can create the RR routine with the empty template I posted if you wish. Thats one way to track progress.
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    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    A while ago I shared the Google Sheets template I've been using for my own training. Since I'm using the sheets actively myself I wanted to add some additional features I could use. All the functions are still script free so you don't have to enable anything in your Drive to start using these...