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  1. C

    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @gracefortoday My problem is less about ACTUAL genetics, and people scapegoating genetics. I've been working out for 15 years or so, and just recently cut down to ~12-15%bf, and a couple of my friends who are...I guess more "athletic" than your average dude (bike 2 - 4 times a week, don't eat...
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    How are most of workout routines full of junk volume?

    @sakuramochi Can’t emphasize this response enough. The program that works best for you is the one you can stick to and enjoy. Sooo many people here and everywhere on the internet sit and read and argue and analyze shit to death. Get in the gym and lift weights and eat enough protein and do...
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    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @annashiwave I mean, also depends on the kids. Obviously when they are infants, no chance. My kids are 4 and 8 and I've gotten 8+ hours since the youngest was like 1.5, but I know that's the exception not the norm, just depends on the kids
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    Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

    @depressed7 Maybe you don't...
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    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    @tennille I swear to God people get so lost in the minutiae. You summarized it perfectly. If people spent even a fraction of the time they do trying to get that extra 1% from maximizing their workout, actually in the gym lifting, they’d probably see even better results
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    I need some advice regarding my diet

    @angel41 wait what? 500ml of milk is like 200 calories by itself. Pretty sure a normal scoop of whey protein is like 120 calories. So just the protein and milk are ~ 440 calories. A banana is ~100 calories, so you're at 540 not including the 40g of fibre cereal or half serving of greek yogurt
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @whiteybeefcake I've never heard understanding was it's stored in your fat and your body knows how to use it most efficiently and just disposes of what it doesn't use (obviously ANYTHING in too much is bad, but what I saw was it was difficult to actually do that with Vit D). Can you...