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    1,000 Pull-ups In 1 Day For Charity

    @ennovy Oh yeah, totally, but i would die before 100 pull-ups
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    1,000 Pull-ups In 1 Day For Charity

    @dawn16 I mean i can probably do 1000 bicep curls with 0kg.
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    I achieved the pistol squat on my left leg after 0.5 years of training!

    @anaseini What? No. You squat with only the ball of your feet in the ground
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    I achieved the pistol squat on my left leg after 0.5 years of training!

    @amduke26 How do you train that flexibility? Mine's terrible, i can barely do a normal squat, i have to do hindi squats for good form.
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    Bodyweight Skill Tree

    @giangnt Already did r/outside