Bodyweight Skill Tree


New member
Skill Tree (Imgur)

This is a pretty messy skill tree for bodyweight skills I've made so I can visualize my goals. I know I've taken some liberties with where I put certain skills and which skills I deemed legendary. Hopefully it could be somewhat helpful to you guys.

Its definitely not done but if some you want to access it and/or improve it I could make it publicly accessible on google sheets.

Constructive criticism is very welcome.


Skill Tree w/o Interconnecting Arrows (Imgur)

-Arrowless Version (for simplicity)

-Fixed a spelling error

-Color coding for differing paths

Edit #2:

Skill Tree Link (Google Sheets)

-At this point it is set to view only but I will try to find a way for people to edit it without risk of trolling

Edit #3:

Skill Tree .xls Folder (Google Drive)

-I will try to keep this foulder up to date, but it is mainly so people can download the template and customize it to their own liking

Edit #4:

-This is the last edit of tonight

-I am thankful for all ya guys' imput and suggestions and I will see what I can improve and work on tomorrow

-I am also very glad that it was so well recieved

Edit #5:

-First of all: Thank you kind stranger(s) for the GOLD and SILVER

-I will be trying to answer as many comments as possible today

-I will also be working on improving the skill tree with the feedback I have received.

-This is probably the last update I will put out on this post

-If I manage to come up with a version that I deem satisfactory I will make a followup post with the link and a change log

-All these changes might take me some time, but I will try to work on it as much as possible
@hannah97 It is updateable, users just have to make a copy for themselves.

I think on desktop it’s just File > Make a Copy.

On mobile, three dots upper right > Share & Export > Make a Copy.

You can also download to Excel on the same pathways.
@hannah97 That is very very cool.

Reminds me of almost every game I've ever played where you get a few exp points when you level up and you have to choose which skill you want.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, does not unlock everything unfortunately. Damn it.
@hannah97 Damn that is quite messy indeed... but it’s cool that you made it! Shit gets very complex like that.. maybe someone else can comment how to improve the flow? I’d love to know as well. Btw Victorian is misspelled above FL pull-ups.