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  1. M

    i’m 13 F around 90-95 pounds

    @niv23 Keep in mind that 13 is really young still. Your body has a lot of natural growth still lined up. Focus on giving your body lots of nutrients and sleep too. Sleep = growth for someone in early teens, for the most part. Working out will help keep you fit and gain some muscle but you...
  2. M

    How does one do 2~3 sets of the same rep? (while reaching failure)

    @mellie I'll try to explain with an anecdote of what I do for my bench press. My goal for bench press is 5x5. Once I can do 5x5 plus a clean 6th rep, I add 5 pounds as my new rep weight. After adding I usually end up failing again somewhere around the 4th - 5th set. My goal then becomes to...
  3. M

    Is there a term for losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time?

    @whereloveandmercymeet As far as a dietary term for it, I don't think so. It's just adhering to a healthy diet which focuses on optimal nutrition while avoiding excess caloric surplus. And it sucks. It really sucks.