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    Help this dad fight “dad bod”

    @roseprince Only problem is he says he's got singles and wants to avoid overhead work, most of Geoff's programs revolve around doubles and C+P.
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @whitney5388 It's just programming, it isn't exclusive to kbs. If your pullups and dips are at a 5rm, then yeah, do 3.0. If you can do 8-10rm, try 1.0 with them.
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    Anyone did the 10,000 swing challenge after completing simple from s&s?

    @metalforchrist You don't see someone doing the challenge with that heavy a bell that often, impressive!
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    What’s a strong press?

    @professor I would say in the kettlebell world, pressing a 32kg or above is definitely considered 'strong'. But realistically speaking, pressing 20kg+ means you have at least a decent level of strength.
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    DFW pressing progress, for those interested in running DFW

    @lfedora This is great progress! You turned a 5rm into a 10 within 1 month twice in a row. As far as muscle goes, I didn't see a noticeable difference until I started using the 24's as a working weight.
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    I want to strict press 32kg

    @rabbie77 Just made that jump recently, feels like I did when I made the 20 to 24 jump, it was hard lol. Even that 4kg bump takes a while to get used to, I can't possibly imagine a 12kg jump.
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    Unstructured C&P training

    @1008 Exactly, everything feels more balanced doing DFSQ, you hit all the bases.
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    Giant 3.0

    @mightyrose Getting 60 reps on w1d2 with a 3rm is nuts, I don't know how you did it, you lifted your rm 20 times?!
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    Unstructured C&P training

    @darienjames yeah, I've sort of come to the same conclusion myself, I just feel like I'm overworking the posterior chain when combining them. Squats seem to be a much better pair.
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    Giant 3.0

    @mightyrose Those are great numbers for your 3.0, you sure that was your 5rm? I got about half that on my W1 numbers with my 5rm. You come off incredibly modest in your comments, but damn I hope I'm kicking ass like you are when I'm 57!
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    10k challenge starts in the morning.

    @crazycat2005 Maybe just try doing the swings first to see how you handle it, then add exercises as you see fit? What worked for somebody else might not work with you.
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    Advice: the Giant 1.0 or 3.0 again?

    @youngman4god There is, officially now. But before then, fans of the Giant program had already unofficially came up with it to bridge the gap from 3.0 to 1.0. It's pretty simple, just add a rep to each number from 3.0, and that's 3.1, then run that for a month and add another rep to those...
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    Advice: the Giant 1.0 or 3.0 again?

    @hunter101 Probably because 1.0-1.2 is all done with a 10 rm, so you're still working with the same strength baseline, when I did 3.0 I still wasn't very accustomed to the 24's and really struggled with making that 3.0-1.0 jump.
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    Giant 3.0

    @hunter101 That's the one. I know I'm not the guy you're asking, but I also have it and think it's probably overall better value than the Giant, which is only C+P. It teaches you how to incorporate other exercises with the C+P and also along with having a bridge for 1.0 to 1.1, has the same for...
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    Advice: the Giant 1.0 or 3.0 again?

    @hunter101 Yeah, I think Geoff saw that people were already doing that so he may as well make it official.
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    Advice: the Giant 1.0 or 3.0 again?

    @hunter101 There actually is now, it's part of the package that comes with the app program:
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    The Giant

    @kikelomo Geoff has recommended elsewhere you could start week 1 with 20 min., week 2 with 25, week 3 go all out with 30 min. then cut back to 20 for a deload week(or not).
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    Advice: the Giant 1.0 or 3.0 again?

    @lfedora It's all up to you, but you're already making good progress with the 24's, personally I'd run 3.1, then even 3.2 if you felt you needed it.
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    Giantkiller Review

    @lbeebe48 I would go with Maximorum or DFW remix next based on what you said you want to do, or even a new combo of both? you seem to be good at coming up with a program that suits your needs.
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    Update: It’s been 8 days and I’m still at it!(100 swings)

    @dkeefe I actually don't own one, but I've seen others recommend this. When I first started I focused mainly on swings like you are, but I didn't know about adjustables and bought a ton of bells from 16 to 32 kg. They didn't go to waste, as I moved on to other exercises, but it would have been...