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  1. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @dolphins19923 Same. I know I get enough from lifting and swimming so fuck doing crunches or whatever.
  2. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @pankaj0008 Oh man, I fight this demon a lot. 1) I shouldn't be drinking energy drinks at all. 2) They're almost double what the convenience store literally across the street charges, but it's right there and it takes debit cards.
  3. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @kjeldsen13 Food I do fine with, but my drink of choice is beer. I should just not drink, or at least stick to vodka or something but, come on, have you ever tasted a perfect west coast IPA? How can I not?!
  4. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @dawn16 I'm on your side here, hoverers are the worst. I never have problems with people who ask to work in or ask how many sets I have left but the people who just awkwardly hover too close like they're going to pressure me to get done faster? Watch my rest periods double fucker.
  5. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @acer621 I never worry about other women who lift heavier. I figure they get the grind. I do get self conscious around some of the dudes though. When I see obvious newbies who can already bench more part of me thinks they're like "is that a toddler in an adult woman's sized body?"
  6. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @manjanek I usually end up doing the step up instead of a jump after 5 or so reps. I blame it on my bad hips but maybe I'm just lazy.
  7. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @itoeruxi Saaame. Shoulders are temperamental and they're such a big muscle group (at least for your upper body) that you really feel it when you tire them out. I do some face pulls and OHP, but I never want to.
  8. H

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @jhonkim I think this is one of the silliest things people complain about. There's no difference between someone using their phone during the rest versus staring at the TVs or something. I get it if someone's hogging equipment and screwing around for way longer than a normal rest period but...