What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?


New member
Hey everyone, just a fun question for Friday. What fitness-related thing are you guilty of? Like, always half-assing the same exercise, doing something that may annoy other people at the gym, buying that overpriced shake that simply tastes so great, and so on :)

Edit: Soo many great replies, I think it's great to see that we all don't have our shit together haha.
@brianhex Too damn impatient/lazy to do warm ups or cooldowns. That's like 20 extra minutes!

I whine about my butt but then don't do glute work because I hate glute work.
@brianhex Stretching/foam rolling infrequently despite running 4 days per week.

Never weight lifting b/c I don't enjoy it and can't sing along with my music and count reps at the same time (and my gym is tiny and doesn't have a lot of equipment). That and I've somehow pulled something in my right arm (or slept on it too much) in the past few months that the last time I went to the gym for the sole purpose of starting lifting again, my arm didn't want to participate.

Drinking too much caffeine.
@brianhex A couple things:
  1. I definitely either mouth the words or sing out loud to the songs playing on the speakers at the gym, and it weirds people out
  2. Most days I eat no breakfast, and some sort of protein granola bar for lunch so I can have a bigger dinner and dessert at night.
@brianhex When it’s time to re-plan my workout programs I tend not to pick enough new exercises to swap out for old ones and end up with basically the same workout in a slightly different order
@brianhex I drink a diet soft drink every morning, sometimes even before a long run. I also never train arms, my excuse being that I’m a runner. Well, almost never. I did a set of tricep dips a few weeks ago between leg sets to rest my legs.
@brianhex I don’t stretch or warm up enough, and my foam roller is basically a decoration at this point.

I am supposed to be training for a 10K in 4 weeks and I am running regularly but not with any sort of “plan” to train for my goal time.

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