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    professional advice on Weighted abs in relation to waist

    @irish007 We fight every day in the gym and kitchen to make gains and you act like you’re going to accidentally have the best gains in a muscle group you’ll barely train
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    Interested to know what splits you guys are running with atm

    @romo Not very much direct work. Pressing is 99%. I do some overhead extensions just for elbow mobility.
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    Interested to know what splits you guys are running with atm

    @bogdanpnw Let’s play guess my weak points Day 1 - Delts/Biceps Day 2 - Chest/Back Day 3 - Delts/Biceps Day 4 - Legs/Back Day 5 - Delts/Biceps Day 6 - Chest/Legs
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    Questioning my progress

    @d33smth You’d be well over 20% body fat. If you want to be skinny, be skinny. If you want to add mass, you bulk and cut later. Ignore all the maingaining absolute BS. You’re not going to weight 200 pounds if you never weigh 200 pounds, get it?? Bulk and cut. Back when I was in my late teens I...
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    How long do you rest for in between sets?

    @distantthoughts It’s more complicated than that. My main goal is size and mobility, but strength is a component and contributor to both. I train to break down the muscle fibers and improve my range of motion. Hypertrophy and strength are side effects of that. That’s the way I’d put it. So what...
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    How long do you rest for in between sets?

    @distantthoughts 2-10 minutes
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    Questioning my progress

    @d33smth You need to bulk to 200lbs
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    Bison Bulk Routine

    @aybige Is this a shitpost?
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    Not made any progress in years

    @cinnamoroll How long did you sit over 200? You might just need more bulking cycles, or a bit of an extended bulk to allow your body adapt to a heavier weight before cutting. I know it can be hard cause we want abs year round but for size you have to really commit to being big for a while. I...
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    Not made any progress in years

    @cinnamoroll You only weigh 175 lbs, so my question is, have you ever weighed 200? Have you ever weighed 225? 250? Shit, even 185? You say you’re in a surplus but if you’re stuck at 175 and not progressing, you have to eat more. The 3-500 cal surplus is “just enough” and since daily and weekly...
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @lepomis I have a nutrition undergrad and I remember for a big paper I had cited over 100 sources and actually found that with calories equated lower fat diets were actually better for fat loss, albeit a negligible amount. I basically tell anyone you get your base amount protein in, and fill the...
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @lookingforhope47 Listen bro, I’m just having fun with you. Just recognize that junk volume isn’t an absolute, and people with different training styles can utilize higher volumes if intensity isn’t as high. Junk volume isn’t junk if it works. If you’ve stimulated muscle to its maximum (how...
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @lookingforhope47 Getting knocked over by a light breeze isn’t athletic. And if we’re talking about hypertrophy leanness is inconsequential. Stay on topic.
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @lookingforhope47 You mean moot? I’ll absolutely go that route if someone is 6’2” 160. That’s I’ve never lifted in my life territory. Some people can progress doing different things, it doesn’t mean you need to homogenize everyone’s training.
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @lookingforhope47 Wow way to prove my point - read my last sentence. Also, don’t put words in my mouth, I never said 10 sets was low volume failure training, you incorrectly decided that’s what I meant. The 2 sets of biceps curls is such an outlier it’s not even worth discussing. There are...
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef This sub is unfortunately obsessed with low volume failure training and people don’t understand nuance or training differences. This doesn’t scream too much volume to me because back can handle a lot of volume and different angles. Bent over rows are probably your main contributor...