Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

@saved1994 Not sure where the whey protein thing got involved. Are you saying keto and fasting aren’t the best options for reducing insulin resistance?
@dawn16 Well the idea behind reducing insulin resistance with Leto and fasting is resencitizing by not causing large insulin spikes. But that doesn’t make sense because if that were the case, whey protein would be bad for you.

So yes im saying they aren’t the best options unless it happens to be the best lifestyle for a given individual
@saved1994 Ya you’re dealing with sycophantic nut jobs who refuse to accept reality if it’s incongruent to their feelings. They literally think gluconeogenesis (aka your body is starving for glycogen) gives the same performance effect as carb loading.
@doks Very true, in those other subs i just get berated by people citing insulin model as if insulin increased adipose stores (which has been disproven time after time I.e GLP-1 agonists)
@doks Apparently Joe Rogan does Keto and tried Carnivore. And he's jacked (though it would be interesting to see what his macros looked like back when he accumulated that muscle mass). But I don't understand why Joe would make shit harder for himself like that. So as long as Joe eats 1.8g protein/kg and eats at calorie maintenance (assuming he's not trying to bulk), he won't get fat. It literally comes down to those two fundamental rules. I'm not sure why keto people (and to lesser extent the broader low-carb community) need to play on Hector Hard Mode when they don't have to.

I did see a female fitness/foodie influencer on Instagram share a keto cheesecake recipe the other day to "fix sugar cravings" (ugh!) and I face palmed. For a woman who lifts, I was disappointed to see that she fell for the keto meme. Especially when her keto cheesecake is so high in calories. Probably higher in calories than a sugary cheesecake. It's not sugar that makes you fat. Its calories. Food that is high in sugar that we often consider fattening also tends to be high in dietary fat. Like cheesecake. Yeah if you eat nothing but cheesecake, that's a bad idea. If you eat a slice of cheesecake, hell even half a cheesecake and you're still hitting 1.8g protein/kg and calorie maintenance, you're good. If you're in a 200-300 calorie surplus and you're a newbie lifter who trains, rests and sleeps properly, you will even gain more muscle than fat most likely.
@lepomis I have a nutrition undergrad and I remember for a big paper I had cited over 100 sources and actually found that with calories equated lower fat diets were actually better for fat loss, albeit a negligible amount. I basically tell anyone you get your base amount protein in, and fill the rest of your calories with any combination of protein carbs and fat. People who are anti carb also don’t realize that if you eat too much protein your body will literally make sugar via gluconeogenesis.
@livingme7 Yes. Your body has a couple of different ways and pathways to just make glucose if you're not getting enough through your diet. Been a long while since Biochem but I'm fairly certain gluconeogenesis ['new sugar making'] is just running all the time regardless. Your body fucking loves sugar.
@claudia4christ Gluconeogenesis is why you don't need to eat carbs, your body has homeostatic controls over your blood sugar even if you don't eat a single carb.

Excess carbs is still king for the bulk performance though.
@masonmatt1000 Newish to lifting and counting macros. So too much protein turns into sugar?? How much is too much? I do 1g/lb but I go over some days by like 15g give or take.