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  1. M

    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @stephny 5’1: current weight ~114 lbs. about 6 years ago i started my weight gain journey and i was about 102 lbs. i have been lifting for the same amount of time and while i have put on a good amount of muscle i was never seriously bulking/cutting so i think at my most i got up to 132 lbs and...
  2. M

    16 Months to get a revenge body

    @aspatat 1) cut out junk food as much as possible (of course don’t be too strict as tbis might cause u to go into a cycle but binging/restricting but in general replace junk food with fruits especially. 2) get at least 10k steps a day 3) when you’re making /eating meals focus on getting some...