Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@stephny I'm 5' 1" and have been maintaining between 102-108 (ish) for about 4 years (after being 140-150 for decades before that).

I track calories, lift weights, and walk every day. I eat a ridiculous amount of protein and mountains of vegetables, which helps keep me satisfied and happy, even in a deficit.

My personal rule of thumb: whatever I do, I need to be able to sustain for the rest of my life. This also helps with being patient and taking a very long-term view of both nutrition and fitness. There is no stopping and starting, no off ramp, no 'when I'm done' because I'll never ever ever be done. So I make it easy and enjoyable as possible, and like magic, all sense of urgency and impatience disappears, as if by magic.

(and btw, when it's truly easy and enjoyable, you never WANT to be done!)
@stephny i’m 42kg and i’m trying to at least get to 46kg, I’ve just been trying to eat bigger meals and more high calorie nutrient dense foods and lift weights
@stephny i wanna be 49/50kg, also 62kg, i’m walking 10000 steps completely cut out sugar and try eating 1300 cals and exercising 100 away, as well as eating whole foods and veggies, prioritising proteins and healthy fats. this is the biggest ive ever been and im kind of claustrophobic in my own body i hate it
@stephny I am 5"0, current weight is 125 ish lbs and my goal is 115. I was 115 a couple of years ago and felt great, just didn't really maintain it lol.

Last time I lost weight it was pretty simple but it was during covid so i had a LOT of time, this time i don't feel so motivated to do things the same way. Last time I spent 1-2 months losing weight (from 127) and I decided no desserts/sugars except fruit, 1500 cals per day and tracked meticulously, 12000 steps per day and 1 chloe ting workout per day.

Because it was during covid my daily 1.5 hour walk was my favourite thing; it was my main social time because I would call friends and family and talk to them, and it was also the only time I was out of the house. I lost weight so easily with this mixture of calorie counting, walking and workouts.

Now I am a lot more busy so my strategy is the following:

- eating: I am following what my bf and I call "omad plus", one meal a day plus a protein shake, goal calories 1200-1500, but easier to track since its only 1 meal and 1 snack. Trying to get at least 60 grams of protein per day.

- Exercise: 2 weight training sessions per week (upper and lower), 2 cardio days per week (1 day playing soccer and 1 5k run). Trying to get about 7.5k steps per day but not militant about it.

I don't think my method is as good this time but it feels more sustainable. Once I got used to fasting again its been pretty easy since then. I've only really been doing this for 10 days though.

I think 115 is totally maintainable, I have notied every time I go above 115 I am eating a lot of extra snacks and helpings. LIke if a normal eating day for me is 2 meals and a snack, when I gain weight from 115 to 127 I am usually eating 2 helpings at dinner, larger portions than normal, 3 full meals plus also a snack. I don't need to eat like that. Once I get this weight off I am going to continue eating at around 1500-1600 cals a day, smaller portions, and i think 2 meals plus a snack is the sweet spot for me where I can still have dessert but won't gain weight.
I’m also 43 and the past few years the lbs just keep creeping up. It’s hard not to think my age and hormones/metabolism are not playing a big role here, but I don’t know what to do about it.
@stephny I’m 5’0”, about 135 right now though maybe closer to 130. I was 146 at the end of the year. I stopped binging and stick to a 1250-1450 calorie deficit. I’m on Wellbutrin so I’ve lost an appetite.

In a dream life, I’d love to go to the gym every day after work but I get home at 6:30 and have to be in bed by 9:30 to wake up at 4:30. The gym is often packed at this time and I spend too long waiting for what I need and having to do other things I didn’t intend to do. I’ve been burnt out from work and have been doing home exercises instead — a 25 min cardio warmup (running, bike, incline walking) then lower body and upper body days at home. I’m fortunate to have the space and equipment to do a modified home gym workout! I would like to push myself to go swimming two days a week (the afternoon pool opens at 9pm because of the swim team) as I was a competitive swimmer and can easily get a good cardio workout in.

My goal is 105 just because of my stature and because I build muscle easily. Diet is the most important thing I’m focusing on right now. I figure any little bit of exercise is better than none, and when I get down further I can always work on recomp more.
@stephny 5'1"

SW - 104 llbs
CW - 115 lbs, 19% BF
GW - 120 lbs

Started my fitness journey 11 months ago, I found it easier to bulk when I'm doing meal plans and tracking my macros. However, I've been really busy with work so I wasn't able to do them and am now stuck at 115 for three months now.
@stephny I’m 5’1 currently 105lbs and I’m satisfied with my weight, I just would like to look leaner/more fit. Mostly in my stomach. I’m a bit “skinny fat”, where I’m technically “small” but I don’t have an ounce of muscle or definition. I chalk it up to having anxiety making me lose weight (not eating for days) rather than through fitness.
@stephny I honestly am not sure?

I've now lost 90lbs and I'm 5ft 160lb. I've completely changed my diet and lifestyle. I'm probably going to keep up the regular exercise and eating around 1600 calories a day from here on out. According to my calculations that means I'll probably stop losing weight and be eating maintaince around 120lbs.
@robertjjones I'm 31. I lost 75lbs from 2018-2020. Through just calorie counting and exercise. But then my mental health got bad during the pandemic and I no longer had access to a gym. So I gained 50lbs from 2020-2022. Beginning 2023 I decided to completely change my diet and got really into meal prep. I actually started tracking macros and not just calories. I slowly worked exercise back into my life. I am currently trying to do 180 min of cardio and an hour of strength training (two 30 min sessions) a week. I'm trying to find time to add a 3rd day of strength training to my routine.

So I lost 50lbs in 2023. And I've lost 15lbs so far this year. I've been aiming for around 1lb of weight loss a week.

Honestly I've probably had more fat loss since I've built some muscle that I definitely did not have in 2022.
@stephny At 5’2, my goal weight and where I’ve always felt the best about myself has been between 99-105. As I enter my 40s, I am trying to be more accepting of having some muscle mass. Right now, I’m around 110-115, trying to lose some body fat and tone up muscle.
@stephny 5'0, CW 136 gw 125. it'll be a slow process but first i'd like to decrease the amount of beer I drink (14/ week to hopefully 5/week) and incorporate walking into my routine. I'm like mad depressed rn so we'll see how this goes.
@stephny 5’1: current weight ~114 lbs. about 6 years ago i started my weight gain journey and i was about 102 lbs. i have been lifting for the same amount of time and while i have put on a good amount of muscle i was never seriously bulking/cutting so i think at my most i got up to 132 lbs and at the time i didn’t think i looked that bad but when i look at pictures now i don’t like how chubby my face looked especially. right now my goal is to maybe lose a few more pounds of fat but stay around this weight and keep my protein high.
@stephny 5’0 SW:181, CW:150, GW:120

My original GW was 135, because that’s the low weight from the first time I lost weight, before fertility treatments and pregnancy, but I have more motivation now (in the form of an extremely active toddler) and know I can achieve even more. I count calories and keep between 1200-1300 daily. I strength train (using the Movement with Julie app) M-F, do yoga daily, and occasionally walk on my walking pad. Besides that I’m pretty sedentary, especially during the long winter. I started in November 2022 when my daughter was 1, lost about 15 (and gained back 5) between then and September, and then stopped breastfeeding when my daughter turned 2 in September 2023 and that’s when the weight actually started coming off.
@stephny 5’2” 140…i’ve been desperately trying to lose weight but i just can’t seem to figure out how…all the fat distributes to my belly, arms, and face so again trying to lose it asap!! i try to stay in a deficit but i’ve struggled w a binge eating disorder for a while. it’s also hard to go to the gym out of embarrassment and i don’t even know where i would start. any tips would be greatly appreciated…especially to lose belly fat (specifically lower). if it helps, im female and 19 y/o.