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    I was promised endorphins

    @servant1 That's the spirit! 😄 Hope it works for you too!
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    I was promised endorphins

    @servant1 I always experience runner's high when I do a couple of sprints. Highly recommended!
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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @cwngfd I used to be kind of skinny fat, I looked very slim but my whole body was so soft and I barely had any muscle mass. I've been weight training for about 2,5 years at home. The first noticeable change was my shoulders, they became so wide now my jackets, coats and some of my hoodies etc...
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    DB Press Increase

    @lucyflor I suggest doing unilateral or alternating chest press if you want to correct that. Start with your weaker side doing as many reps as you can then match that number with the other side.