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  1. D

    What are you eating during the week?

    @uzezi My downfall is snacking because I like tasty treats sometimes. I average 140-180 grams of protein per day, along with plenty of carbs and fats. I eat plenty. Sometimes snaking is more related to mental/emotional reasons or habits, rather than physical need. Either way, it’s not that...
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    How many weight I can lose in 3 months?

    @japel Any answer will be a guess at best. There are too many variables to get an accurate answer. A better idea, in my opinion, would be to ask: “how should I optimize fat loss over the next 3 months” Focus on healthy habits and protocols and the weight loss will be the result. Focus on the...
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    What are you eating during the week?

    @basicsacademy These days I’m only really focusing on, but also being consistent with: my calorie target (based on 8-12 calories per lb of body weight as I am trying to reduce body fat) my protein target (0.8+ grams per lb of bodyweight seems to be what works well for me. Up to maybe 1.2 g...
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    What are you eating during the week?

    @jonnyblue88 That’s all fine and dandy on paper…but it turns out that I’m still good at snacking even with clean teeth. Just one of my many talents 😉 It’s not that big of an issue. I can keep it under control for the most part. Every once in a while though, the kids snacks start a callin’...
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    What are you eating during the week?

    @basicsacademy Here’s what my meals typically look like: Breakfast: 2-4 boiled eggs, and apple and a protein shake Or greek yogurt, mixed berries, steel cut oats Lunch: 6-8 oz Lean meats (chicken, pork, beef, fish, etc) with a couple of handfulls of raw veggies are my typical lunches...
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    What are you eating during the week?

    @elakhim I use a similar formula. 8-12 calories per lb of current bodyweight for a deficit 12-16 calories for maintenance 16 - 18 calories for a lean bulk. For a deficit, I start at the higher number and adjust down based on two weeks of consistency. It works well for me. I also target 0.8+...
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    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    @blake2030 Agree 👍
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro I am of the opinion that deadlifts and squats help prevent the type of injury you are referring to…when done with good form and with appropriate loads, anyway. Like “Mark Smelly Bell” says: Strength is never a weakness, and weakness is never a strength.
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    Looking for someone to join me on a 28 day challenge

    @bayface107 If you use the app Hevy, you can probably find some people there. It’s set up to be a social workout app. I too have a physique goal rather than a weight goal. 💪💥
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    Protein intake on a cut

    @minsc Maybe check out “The Ultimate Diet 2.0” by Lyle McDonald.